Race Nekos (cat people) as a playable race

Discussion in 'NPCs and Creatures' started by Zachery Lorincz, Jul 30, 2012.

  1. Even though you didn't make those pictures, they're still adorable and made me agree with this right away.
    Zachery Lorincz likes this.
  2. I'd much rather have the catpeople have an actual cat head for the face rather than some (frankly unappealing) cartoon human face with superficial cat features.
    This: link
    edit: No offense meant to the original artist but I feel that characters like that are not right for Starbound or any other game really.

    As a sidenote: Bethesda can hardly sue over the concept of cat-people, because older games such as Lands of Lore and Wing Commander had catpeople as well. Bethesda came up with the name Khajiit as well as a culture for them, but suing over that would be as stupid as suing over the concept of talking dragons.
    WhiteMousse, Shippo, Jonesy and 2 others like this.
  3. JustJoeNoBody

    JustJoeNoBody Phantasmal Quasar

    It would be kind of redundant, but that would make more people happy than one or the other. It also might create a greater color pallet, if say one didn't want the cat ear hair to match the primary hair. Then that is amusing the vanity item would eclipse the natural ears.
  4. dnmr

    dnmr Space Spelunker

    It must be added..
    Zachery Lorincz likes this.
  5. The Corrupted [ITA]

    The Corrupted [ITA] Big Damn Hero

  6. Alternal

    Alternal Existential Complex

    I always support cat girls.
  7. Zachery Lorincz

    Zachery Lorincz Sandwich Man

    I really hope they add this and thanks everyone for your support
  8. David Tremblay

    David Tremblay Star Wrangler

    I actually wouldn't mind this, like.. its the future right? Didnt they invent something like a machine that mixed Animal's and Human's, atleast I hope this made this, or it could end up to a thread of: How the Fayulk were Neko's (Animal People) Mayde?

    =EDIT= Also, I thought Neko's were Animal People, am I wrong?
    Zachery Lorincz likes this.
  9. David Tremblay

    David Tremblay Star Wrangler

    Oh god... why...

    Attached Files:

  10. Alternal

    Alternal Existential Complex

  11. MoonyJello

    MoonyJello Existential Complex

  12. David Tremblay

    David Tremblay Star Wrangler

    Alternal likes this.
  13. MoonyJello

    MoonyJello Existential Complex

    Also you could name them Acinovexx (Ah-see-no-vex)

    Derived from the word Acinonyx and Vexx.
    An Acinonyx is a kind of big cat.
    And Vexx was a Gamecube game where you played as a cat dude.
  14. To go with the starbound races, one would need an intelligent backstory and a coherent design.
    As I said before, animal heads > human heads with animal ears. Otherwise they are too similar, especially on a pixel level. A typical anime catgirl/boy is going to get confused with a human who has cat ears. What's the point?
  15. MoonyJello

    MoonyJello Existential Complex

    Are you referring to my sprite?
    I tried my hardest to make it look like a cat head, I just realized I forgot the tail tho :p
  16. MoonyJello

    MoonyJello Existential Complex

    Here we go, Acinovexx v2.

  17. Zachery Lorincz

    Zachery Lorincz Sandwich Man

    I remember that game. It was funny to beat that fat guy twice
  18. Zachery Lorincz

    Zachery Lorincz Sandwich Man

    Thank you! I will definitely use this and i like your name suggestion
  19. MoonyJello

    MoonyJello Existential Complex

  20. Zachery Lorincz

    Zachery Lorincz Sandwich Man


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