Mob Neptuna

Discussion in 'NPCs and Creatures' started by Crimsondeath, Jan 24, 2013.

  1. Crimsondeath

    Crimsondeath Star Wrangler

    Giant edible space fish. Fishable for meat for crafting Neptuna sandwiches.
  2. Jak Zaron

    Jak Zaron Lucky Number 13

    A large elaboration needed, there is barely a need or purpose for this to be made. Would it be good at self defending from piscivores? A fast swimmer? Or is it just edible food that just gets eaten. Nothing happens. A few munches and gone. Needs work.
  3. Serris

    Serris Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    i think he means a fish that doesn't swim, but floats around in space.
    ChaoticGamer and Crimsondeath like this.
  4. Jak Zaron

    Jak Zaron Lucky Number 13

    Such a large assumption. Back on to reasonings, there is no point, yet again, to have such a fish.
  5. Crimsondeath

    Crimsondeath Star Wrangler

    How about for fun? Would that be a valid reason?

    If you want more details then yes, I would envisage it floating around in space... ocassionally through massive clouds of furious negativity only to pass unscathed through them to be haplessly caught by a bigger space fish, because after all... there's always a bigger fish.
  6. Jak Zaron

    Jak Zaron Lucky Number 13

    Just a small elaboration on such a small aspect, better update the thread with it if you haven't already.

    Thanks though. :p
  7. Crimsondeath

    Crimsondeath Star Wrangler

    You're most welcome and... no, I don't think I will. I like to keep people guessing.
  8. Jak Zaron

    Jak Zaron Lucky Number 13

    Well that's not such a good thing, to be honest with you.
  9. Crimsondeath

    Crimsondeath Star Wrangler

    That depends on your perspective, and I don't like being dictated to.
  10. ChaoticGamer

    ChaoticGamer Master Astronaut, I know dragon love eating fish for sure, is this mob is really going be in space I mean come on, what would it be possible of raining fish? *looks the picture the developer did* crap...
    Gunslinger likes this.
  11. Crimsondeath

    Crimsondeath Star Wrangler

    I'm sorry. I can't understand what you're trying to say.
  12. Gunslinger

    Gunslinger Existential Complex

    Crimsondeath likes this.
  13. Eccentric

    Eccentric Pangalactic Porcupine

    It's raining fish! Hallelujah it's raining fish!

    But when Neptuna...

    We are destroyed! BAAAAAH!
  14. Stalkish Cockatiel

    Stalkish Cockatiel Existential Complex

    When you eat it, will it have pieces of Star Dolphins?
    Crimsondeath likes this.
  15. ChaoticGamer

    ChaoticGamer Master Astronaut

    I am saying it is possible, the other side note I left about raining fish is true in fact. I don't know it is possible for raining fish in space because they kind of have the star map bit different how it viewed. What I am saying look the review of general forum and also the home page itself as well.

    so..ummm right....FUS RO BLLLAAAAAHHHHH!
    Crimsondeath and Gunslinger like this.
  16. Gunslinger

    Gunslinger Existential Complex

    Gentlemen, may I interest any of you in a giant harpune?
  17. Crimsondeath

    Crimsondeath Star Wrangler

    A giant hairpin? A giant ha.. Prune? A giant... What? Oh harpoon? ;p
  18. Gunslinger

    Gunslinger Existential Complex

    Oh yeah, harpoon - right.
  19. Evangelion

    Evangelion Supernova

    SPACE WHALES! They scare the shit out of me...

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