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Bug/Issue Never finishes loading?

Discussion in 'Starbound Support' started by Terofolf, Aug 4, 2023.

  1. Terofolf

    Terofolf Aquatic Astronaut

    I've tried a few things so far, reinstalling Starbound, changing between steam and steam-runtime, launching via run-client so far. I'm running up--to date Manjaro on AMD hardware, and have uninstalled unnecessary vulkan packages.
    Launching via run-client.sh gives this output;

    [18:16:32.607] [Info] Root: Preparing Root...
    [18:16:32.607] [Info] Root: Done preparing Root.
    [18:16:32.607] [Info] Client Version 1.4.4 (linux x86_64) Source ID: 8cbe6faf22282659828a194e06a08999f213769e Protocol: 747
    [18:16:32.607] [Info] Root: Scanning for asset sources in directory '../assets/'
    [18:16:32.785] [Info] Root: Scanning for asset sources in directory '../mods/'
    [18:16:32.785] [Warn] Root: Unrecognized file in asset directory 'mods_go_here', skipping
    [18:16:32.785] [Info] Root: Detected asset source named 'base' at '../assets/packed.pak'
    [18:16:32.785] [Info] Root: Detected unnamed asset source at '../assets/user'
    [18:16:32.785] [Info] Loading assets from: '../assets/packed.pak'
    [18:16:33.117] [Info] Loading assets from: '../assets/user'
    [18:16:34.230] [Info] Assets digest is 531f0b8469832a566d23a0b9870ed717c63291164883670d0ee17086a100d3cd
    [18:16:34.230] [Info] Root: Loaded Assets in 1.62291 seconds
    [18:16:34.231] [Info] Application: Initializing SDL Video
    [18:16:34.262] [Info] Application: Initializing SDL Joystick
    And then just stops. pkill, CTRL+C and D work to stop the application, and the final logs read as follows.

    [18:16:32.607] [Info] Root: Preparing Root...
    [18:16:32.607] [Info] Root: Done preparing Root.
    [18:16:32.607] [Info] Client Version 1.4.4 (linux x86_64) Source ID: 8cbe6faf22282659828a194e06a08999f213769e Protocol: 747
    [18:16:32.607] [Info] Root: Scanning for asset sources in directory '../assets/'
    [18:16:32.785] [Info] Root: Scanning for asset sources in directory '../mods/'
    [18:16:32.785] [Warn] Root: Unrecognized file in asset directory 'mods_go_here', skipping
    [18:16:32.785] [Info] Root: Detected asset source named 'base' at '../assets/packed.pak'
    [18:16:32.785] [Info] Root: Detected unnamed asset source at '../assets/user'
    [18:16:32.785] [Info] Loading assets from: '../assets/packed.pak'
    [18:16:33.117] [Info] Loading assets from: '../assets/user'
    [18:16:34.230] [Info] Assets digest is 531f0b8469832a566d23a0b9870ed717c63291164883670d0ee17086a100d3cd
    [18:16:34.230] [Info] Root: Loaded Assets in 1.62291 seconds
    [18:16:34.231] [Info] Application: Initializing SDL Video
    [18:16:34.262] [Info] Application: Initializing SDL Joystick
    [18:18:24.407] [Info] Application: Initializing SDL Sound
    [18:18:24.455] [Info] Failed to initialize Steam platform services
    [18:18:24.455] [Info] Application: Creating SDL Window
    [18:18:24.632] [Info] Application: Enabling VSync with late swap tearing
    [18:18:24.715] [Info] Application: Opened default audio device with 44.1khz / 16 bit stereo audio, 2048 sample size buffer
    [18:18:24.725] [Info] OpenGL version: '4.6 (Compatibility Profile) Mesa 23.0.4' vendor: 'AMD' renderer: 'AMD Radeon Vega 10 Graphics (raven, LLVM 15.0.7, DRM 3.49, 6.1.38-1-MANJARO)' shader: '4.60'
    [18:18:24.763] [Info] Application: initialization...
    [18:18:24.763] [Info] Root: no runtime config file, creating new default runtime config
    [18:18:24.763] [Info] Root: Loaded Configuration in 4.3943e-05 seconds
    [18:18:24.797] [Info] Application: renderer initialization...
    [18:18:24.799] [Info] detected supported OpenGL texture size 16384, using atlasNumCells 128
    [18:18:24.801] [Info] Root: Loaded ImageMetadataDatabase in 2.80497e-06 seconds
    [18:18:24.984] [Info] Application: main update loop...
    [18:18:25.013] [Info] Root: Loaded NameGenerator in 0.025627 seconds
    [18:18:25.069] [Info] Application: quit requested
    [18:18:25.069] [Info] Application: Interrupt caught
    [18:18:25.069] [Info] Application: quitting...
    [18:18:25.069] [Info] Application: shutdown...
    [18:18:25.386] [Info] Root: Loaded PlantDatabase in 0.372706 seconds
    [18:18:25.816] [Info] Root: Loaded ProjectileDatabase in 0.42936 seconds
    [18:18:26.126] [Info] Root: Loaded ObjectDatabase in 1.13807 seconds
    [18:18:26.226] [Info] Root: Loaded NpcDatabase in 0.100712 seconds
    [18:18:26.252] [Info] Root: Loaded MonsterDatabase in 0.435896 seconds
    [18:18:26.256] [Info] Root: Loaded VehicleDatabase in 0.00460616 seconds
    [18:18:26.263] [Info] Root: Loaded StagehandDatabase in 0.0359684 seconds
    [18:18:26.307] [Info] Root: Loaded PlayerFactory in 0.0505809 seconds
    [18:18:26.384] [Info] Root: Loaded VersioningDatabase in 0.0767785 seconds
    [18:18:26.384] [Info] Root: Loaded EntityFactory in 0.121457 seconds
    [18:18:26.496] [Info] Root: Loaded ParticleDatabase in 0.0515173 seconds
    [18:18:27.112] [Info] Root: Loaded MaterialDatabase in 0.727421 seconds
    [18:18:27.118] [Info] Root: Loaded TerrainDatabase in 0.00611673 seconds
    [18:18:27.333] [Info] Root: Loaded BiomeDatabase in 0.214564 seconds
    [18:18:27.333] [Info] Root: Loaded LiquidsDatabase in 0.000584165 seconds
    [18:18:27.341] [Info] Root: Loaded StatusEffectDatabase in 0.00776437 seconds
    [18:18:27.629] [Info] Root: Writing runtime configuration to '../storage/starbound.config'
    [18:18:27.838] [Info] Root: Loaded DamageDatabase in 0.496615 seconds
    [18:18:27.914] [Info] Root: Loaded EffectSourceDatabase in 0.0759699 seconds
    [18:18:27.919] [Info] Root: Loaded FunctionDatabase in 0.00428556 seconds
    [18:18:27.986] [Info] Root: Loaded TreasureDatabase in 0.0677227 seconds
    [18:18:30.011] [Info] Root: Loaded DungeonDefinitions in 2.02425 seconds
    [18:18:30.011] [Info] Root: Loaded TilesetDatabase in 1.602e-05 seconds
    [18:18:30.119] [Info] Root: Loaded StatisticsDatabase in 0.107586 seconds
    [18:18:30.138] [Info] Root: Loaded EmoteProcessor in 0.0185895 seconds
    [18:18:30.239] [Info] Root: Loaded SpeciesDatabase in 0.101119 seconds
    [18:18:30.315] [Info] Root: Loaded QuestTemplateDatabase in 0.0754589 seconds
    [18:18:30.316] [Info] Root: Loaded AiDatabase in 0.000765666 seconds
    [18:18:30.316] [Info] Root: Loaded TechDatabase in 0.000527298 seconds
    [18:18:30.372] [Info] Root: Loaded CodexDatabase in 0.0560609 seconds
    [18:18:30.920] [Info] Root: Loaded BehaviorDatabase in 0.547702 seconds
    [18:18:30.923] [Info] Root: Loaded DanceDatabase in 0.00313371 seconds
    [18:18:30.930] [Info] Root: Loaded SpawnTypeDatabase in 0.00631228 seconds
    [18:18:31.029] [Info] Root: Loaded RadioMessageDatabase in 0.0986324 seconds
    [18:18:33.578] [Info] Root: Loaded ItemDatabase in 7.27119 seconds
    [18:18:33.718] [Info] Root: Loaded CollectionDatabase in 2.68925 seconds
    [18:18:33.877] [Info] Root: Shutting down Root
    [18:18:34.189] [Info] Application: Destroying SDL Window
    [18:18:34.258] [Info] Application: stopped gracefully

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