New character for new content?

Discussion in 'Starbound FAQs, Q&A, and General Help' started by Mertel, Dec 16, 2015.

  1. Mertel

    Mertel Space Hobo

    I was wondering when I can play the game without beginning all over again for every patch.
    I had to re-create my character for 4 times now. at what version or patch can we just play without a new character to get all the content. Also, Can I get for example new weapons and secondary actions with an old character on planets that are not generated before the patch? Or is a new character a must for this.
    Thank you!
  2. Atromixx

    Atromixx Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    The reason for a new character in some patches is so that old content does not mess with new content, each time there is a major patch that changes something big e.g. changing the planet generation system, there is a wipe as the old system no longer exists and would cause the game to crash. if there is an update that changes something not to big you will usually keep your character. the wipes will probably stop or slow down at full release.

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