New Metal Ideas

Discussion in 'Blocks and Crafting' started by Venthas, Mar 15, 2012.

  1. Venthas

    Venthas Aquatic Astronaut

    If you were to add one new kind of material to Starbound (for example, hellstone in Terraria), what would it be?

    I would like Hailstone. Maybe on the ice planet, you'll get a message that says something like "A hailstorm has begun!" If you aren't under cover at that time, you'd better hope that you're not hit by huge, falling hailstones. When the storm ends, it will be the middle of the night. There will be small craters here and there ringed with a small amount of "hailstone" (like much smaller meteor impacts in Terraria). Hailstone stuff is good, but slowly deteriorates when held in your inventory, so use it wisely. It will melt when the sun comes out, so mine it while you can.

  2. Pentarctagon

    Pentarctagon Over 9000!!!

    I dunno... having a metal called hailstone seems a little weird.

    And I would add Unobtainium. Basically once you place it, you can't (re)move it again no matter what. And if the planet blows up, there will still be your little unobtainium hut floating around in space.
  3. Venthas

    Venthas Aquatic Astronaut

    True... But I don't know what else to call it...
  4. LemonRobot

    LemonRobot Phantasmal Quasar

    Tyur - Bluish silver colored ore, found in hot places. Can craft very strong weapons, the material is almost as hard as obsidian.
  5. T-Bone Biggins

    T-Bone Biggins Phantasmal Quasar

    Unobtanium is a general term for something you can't have. It's used in many sci-fi stories as a catch-all material to explain mysterious properties like anti-gravity or cold fusion. Kinda like how Metal Gear Solid 4 blamed everything on nanobots :p

    Materials can be named anything, like Germanium named after Germany. It would be cool to run into some new material with certain properties give it a nickname until it can be identified by your spaceship.
    ImaWario likes this.
  6. Pentarctagon

    Pentarctagon Over 9000!!!

    I know what it is lol, but I like the name since it indicates that its really rare.
  7. Doctor Whooves

    Doctor Whooves Starship Captain

    I would simply add platinum, as another basic tier after gold (even though we all know that they are both fairly malleable (but come on, this is a video game we're talking about here)), to extend the period between when you'll craft your weapons/armors and when you're gonna be carrying chest/boss drops around.
    Also, you should be able to create a gundam-style robot out of it.
    Ignore that last statement.
  8. Breather

    Breather Oxygen Tank

    I thinks it confirmed, that Starbound won't have ores like terraria did. But that it'd have precious materials. So I guess, Diamonds. Diamonds are amazing. :)
  9. Drithyl

    Drithyl Phantasmal Quasar

    Diamonds, amazing? Diamonds are too mainstream. Give me rubies, sapphires, emeralds, onyx... JADE! And... yeah. Imagine laser weapons crafted in such materials as these.
  10. PuppyVolcano

    PuppyVolcano Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Did you just go all material hipster on his ass?
    ImaWario likes this.
  11. Drithyl

    Drithyl Phantasmal Quasar

    Absolutely. And god did I get him good.
  12. PuppyVolcano

    PuppyVolcano Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I don't know, you seemed to focus on jade really weirdly
    as we all know quasi-crystals beat the ever loving hell out of jade!
  13. Drithyl

    Drithyl Phantasmal Quasar

    Excuse me, sir? I believe I did not hear well what you meant to tell me. Compare emeralds with jade. Same colour, right? But jade still slaughters the emerald in terms of hipsterity. I mean, gawd, jade is like THE magical and ritual material, emeralds are just fancy crystals for... Well, maybe chaneling green laser exploding beams through them à la prism cannon, but jade... I mean jade... DUDE, you can THROW IT AT PENGUIN'S FACES!

    P.S.: On a more serious note. Jade would be great to see. I know it's probably nothing really special but it always had a kind of mystical appearance to me, just like onyx. I guess I just like the names o_O
  14. Breather

    Breather Oxygen Tank

    Well gee, I just thoughts diamonds would be cool. 7_7
  15. Zoraculus

    Zoraculus Smile Guy

    White Coal.
    It provides more power than regular coal, can be smelted, made into special spheres, and those can be used to make "Sci-fi styled" energy.
  16. Pentarctagon

    Pentarctagon Over 9000!!!

    Well I'd say gold is a "precious material", so its still possible. Plus gold is a very conductive metal, so even it could definitely be used for the electronics.

    Diamonds are also a metal, just ask /b/:

  17. BurningMercury

    BurningMercury Title Not Found

    can i suggest bubble metals? metals/alloys smelted in zero G and then foamed with inert gases

    and yea i did just steal the idea from neal asher but his books are too fun!
  18. Glob4lHaz4rd

    Glob4lHaz4rd Starship Captain

    This thread needs more posts
  19. Pentarctagon

    Pentarctagon Over 9000!!!

    Yeah, but posts with actual ideas would be much better.
    Breather likes this.
  20. Venthas

    Venthas Aquatic Astronaut

    Or its counterpart, black coal!

    Awwww... But then how will we craft weapons and things?

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