Well folks, the truth is that I've spent two months to perfect a race to put in starbound and "Chiwa" was called. I suck programming, but I designs as would the characters, ships, villages, draperies, their own outpost (Yes, that is, its own outpost of Chiwas), assignment, any citizen of outpost Chiwa, pistols, swords, ect ect ect ... If you know someone or if you are good programming "Races" Could you help me? If you know a tutorial on how to create races to starbound me you could say? I want to start with this as soon as possible because it has already finished high school and have much time. We can all collaborate for this new race. I count on you! By the way, I'll upload photos of designs, if you have more ideas, I can send a miss for you design. Soon I upload a photo.
@C0bra5 created this resource for modders of all levels to make species mods more simplified, but it does not cover absolutely everything. You will also need to know modding basics, so follow The | Suit's Modding Ebook as a tutorial. While Kayuko's guide was well-meaning and useful a few updates ago, it does not cover all of the basics to make a race mod for Glad Giraffe. And color me confused, but aren't link-only posts against forum rules?
Well guys, I'll warning and may end of August put the mod (You I'm also doing a fursuit) so I have two big projects. The more support for the best idea. I'll importing from my Ipad designs and send some to that you see.