New way to cheat in items / Mods for Other devices than PC

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Gabriel9282, Jul 4, 2019.

  1. Gabriel9282

    Gabriel9282 Master Chief

    Hi there to anybody reading this. So for IOS, the only way to give yourself items (naming farm animals using [] with item ID in between brackets) doesn’t work anymore for IOS. I’m not sure if this affects android too. I was thinking there could be a special menu that you can open up and search for items or put in an item ID and get the item. Another thing that you guys could add is a menu in the menu screen that allows you to download and use mods. The mods would have to be submitted and checked to be approved (to prevent inappropriate things from getting added by mods). Any updates would also need to be submitted and checked. That’s all I have to suggest. Thank you for making such a great and fun game to play.

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