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[No longer available] Chill Star

Discussion in 'Public Servers' started by Good_Game_444, Aug 17, 2021.

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  1. The Chill Star Starbound server is no longer available.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 15, 2021
  2. Catherine Franz

    Catherine Franz Spaceman Spiff

    If it's full of players who actually interact instead of mining and building a house all day ignoring people then I'll want to try joining~~~
  3. It's whatever you make of it! People who wish to play solo survival can do that and people who wish to be social can that! We do not force a certain playstyle.
    The more people join, the higher the chance for social interaction!

    I have updated this topic to reflect the fact that this server is now a vanilla server.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 26, 2021
  4. Catherine Franz

    Catherine Franz Spaceman Spiff

    Oh, a pure vanilla one or does it have some mini-QoL mods?
  5. It is vanilla, but you can use client-side mods like the one for instant crafting or even the item spawner if you just want to build.
    We now have a global teleport destination list that is accessible from any player's ship teleporter and a /who in-game chat command that tells you who else is online.
    We also have a channel on our Discord server for requesting tile protection of planets.
  6. Catherine Franz

    Catherine Franz Spaceman Spiff

    Seems very interesting so far, only thing I'm worried is definitely the ping issues.
  7. Give it a try! I used to play on far away servers and rarely had connection issues.
  8. Catherine Franz

    Catherine Franz Spaceman Spiff

    Mind giving me a collection of available QoL mods they use in the server? I'm about to delete all my saves / mods for the Nth time...
  9. Sorry, I am not sure what you mean. Who are "they"? Anyways, it would be much easier to communicate on Discord.
    Also, you don't need to delete your saves and mods. You can create a backup of them instead.
  10. Catherine Franz

    Catherine Franz Spaceman Spiff

    Oh, I meant everyone who plays in the server.
    Don't worry about backups, losing saves is as natural as breathing to me.
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2021
  11. You are free to use any client-side mod. We'll have a Workshop collection of recommended and optional client-side mods in the near future.
  12. Catherine Franz

    Catherine Franz Spaceman Spiff

    I'm at the discord server but i have no idea how to join since i am Ook-Ook brained.

    Name's Bread~~~
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2021
  13. I have updated this thread to reflect the fact that this server is now in beta.

    Edit: Removed a sentence that still stated that the server is in alpha.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 4, 2021
  14. Evolios

    Evolios Big Damn Hero

    Curious to know: Is the server still around? What's the role-playing scene like in that server? Any lore i oughta read up?
  15. Hi there! Yes, the server is still going strong and keeps growing! The server does not have a role-playing scene yet, but hubs for roleplayers are planned. We are currently preparing a brand new portal room that will help people find the kind of place on the server they are looking for. Some of the teleporters will be linked to roleplay hubs or roleplay settings.

    It is not completely set in stone yet how roleplaying will be handled on the server, but the current plan is that there won't be server-wide rules regulating roleplay or a global lore/setting. Instead, people can find a group to play with and the leader/game master/dungeon master of said group decides on what is or is not allowed and about the setting. People will be free to submit their own setting, which can be either a small setting (1-2 hubs, shared teleporter) or a big setting (multiple hubs, dedicated teleporter).

    Edit: Edited this reply to be easier to read and understand.
  16. Edited the thread's tags to reflect the fact that the server is vanilla with client-side mods allowed. I forgot to edit them back when we switched to vanilla. Sorry for the potential confusion!
  17. The Chill Star Starbound server has shut down.
  18. Catherine Franz

    Catherine Franz Spaceman Spiff

    Well that didn't last long.
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