Modding Discussion [No longer Taking Requests] Making Custom Lightsabers for a Limited time

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by Zanderfel, Jan 26, 2017.

  1. RedArch

    RedArch Void-Bound Voyager

    I have an idea for a sword. Perhaps I could show the art I'm making for it tomorrow?
  2. Zanderfel

    Zanderfel Big Damn Hero

    ill make a special exception for you cause you asked before the closing time so yeah just post your art and we will go from there
  3. RedArch

    RedArch Void-Bound Voyager

    Thank you!
  4. THEKraken

    THEKraken Void-Bound Voyager

    have you seen this before? It looks cool

    Attached Files:

  5. xaliber

    xaliber Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    It's the same model as Kylo Ren's lightsaber that we see in Force Awakens. Only different color crystal.

  6. THEKraken

    THEKraken Void-Bound Voyager

    Can you add the green one?
  7. THEKraken

    THEKraken Void-Bound Voyager

    So I have That Lightsaber, Them colors and The sniffle.
    Thanks for the lightsabers!

    Attached Files:

  8. Aviscerator

    Aviscerator Void-Bound Voyager

    If my request isn't specific enough, here's the full request:
    Make three 2-handed sabers with moving wavy blade,
    1. The blue-bladed one has faster attack rate than the red, but weaker attack damage
    2. The red one has slower attack rate than the blue, but stronger attack and unstable blade animation
    3. The purple one is the middle ground, plus with longer blade reach
    Make them legendary.
    Here's a rough sketch of their hilt. The colors is a combination of white, black, and its shades. The "axe" blade is black. Color of the switch/button corresponds its blade color. Name format: AvisZ [color] Lightwaves
    (Note: the length of the hilt might need adjustment)

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Feb 18, 2017
  9. Zanderfel

    Zanderfel Big Damn Hero

    yes i can do this so that makes 4 sabers for you then, i already have a cross guard saber made with kylo rens saber sounds that i ripped from the movie so a simple color change should be simple enough
  10. Zanderfel

    Zanderfel Big Damn Hero

    very good, your order has been updated :)
  11. Zanderfel

    Zanderfel Big Damn Hero

    yes correct i dont know why i put 2 sabers in that post lol as i have all three concept drawings on my computer
  12. RedArch

    RedArch Void-Bound Voyager

    Here's the art for the Saber I had in Mind.
    It would have a longer then average handle with a slightly gold colored hilt similar to the one I have drawn.
    The sword would have a DPS of 33 and a Swing Speed of 1.2. When idle the blade makes a short humming sound (possibly with crackling added in) and has an animation where a small amount of energy wraps up the blade and fizzles out at the end similar to the player teleportation animation and has small square particles floating off the blade. The red and green squares on the hilt light up if the blade is on or off respectively. The special secondary attack would be an uppercut that lights enemies on fire (if this is possible), and if you add in custom attack animations I made examples of the swing animations and added them to the drawing as well.

    (On a second note I hope I don't sound super demanding...)
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2017
  13. Zanderfel

    Zanderfel Big Damn Hero

    very detailed and concise, I will do my very best to bring this to you want to jump for the flame uppercut like flyingslash? or do you want to "KEEP YER FEET ON THE GROUND"?---sorry wow dwarf reference I had to
  14. RedArch

    RedArch Void-Bound Voyager

    The uppercut would make you jump similar to the flying slash attack (personally it's one of my favorite special attacks you can get on the randomly generated swords)
  15. fluffyfloran

    fluffyfloran Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Hey dude I had an idea for my lightsaber, well maybe when the mouth opens the light can kind of blast out like a dragon breathing fire. :)
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2017
    ImHereForTheMods likes this.
  16. Zanderfel

    Zanderfel Big Damn Hero

    ok will do
  17. ImHereForTheMods

    ImHereForTheMods Cosmic Narwhal

    How's it coming ? = D
  18. Zanderfel

    Zanderfel Big Damn Hero

    your sabers are about 40% done.... sat and sunday i was vomiting nonstop and now i have a sinus infection cause of the that and i got a new hard drive and the backup of starbounds mods i had got erased so ive had to redo everything lightsaber wise from scratch and in the misdt of all that i had to work this whole time.... but i was able to once again establish the scripting and config files for the sabers and i finished the custom sounds for them
  19. ImHereForTheMods

    ImHereForTheMods Cosmic Narwhal

    Oh... Sorry to hear about that, I feel bad for you. That really sucks.... Not fun being sick..
    I'd probably go insane if I lost all that work... So, seems you're handling that right better than I would. So, there's that.

    Well, take your time, no hurry, just do what you can do, when you can do it. I can wait.
    No need to do it if you don't feel well too.
  20. Daldril

    Daldril Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Get well soon!

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