Shotguns are kind of a special case. As far as I understand, barrel length doesn't have a huge effect on shotgun power, at least while using shot, slugs are a different kettle of fish, but the spread does get wider. Hunting shotguns have longer barrels and chokes because you're going to be hunting birds at longer distances than you will fighting in a trench or house-to-house. If you really want to get the shortest possible shotgun, that's what the shotpistol is for; and police guns are assumed to have have 18in barrels vs a hunting gun's 26in barrel.
Alright, but I'm going to rein back the descriptions for the most part... or try, at least. Birdshot: Lots of tiny pellets, and as the name implies, it is used for hunting birds. Buckshot: A smaller number of larger pellets, used for hunting larger game, and the occasional angry man. Slug: A single large bullet. For even larger game, and especially determined opponents. APDS: Armour-Piercing Discarding Sabot, or simply 'sabot'. Higher velocity for defeating armour. Flares*: for signalling and illumination. High-explosive*: Basically mini-grenades; they come in both fragmenting and concussive. Shaped-charge*: Also known as high-explosive multipurpose or HEMP. For defeating armour in a similar fashion as high-explosive anti-tank, but on a much smaller scale. Flash-bang*: AKA the stun grenade. As the name implies, it releases a bright flash and deafening bang. Monochain: also known as the 'garrote' round; this duplex load launches two slugs connected by a razorwire. Chemical*: Comes in two main flavours, liquid and aerosol. For delivering tear gas, nerve agents, smoke, paint, etc. EMP*: Using an explosive power cartridge to energize a non-nuclear electromagnetic pulse. Used for disabling robots, cybernetics and electronics. Anything marked with an asterisk is also available in hand-grenade and 25mmR form.
I'll assume that means it's no option for the 18.5, what kind of limits are we looking at in total ammo wise?
Everything on that list is available for the shotguns, where did you get that implication? Anyway, it's mostly a 'be reasonable' case with how much ammo you want to take. A box of ten shells weighs about a pound if you want concrete numbers; but I'm not going to make a huge deal about it unless things get ridiculous.
Oh my bad, I thought the asterisk implied they were solely for the heavier calibers, not that they also applied in those forms. I was thinking the Shotpistol was a special case. That narrows down almost everything I need, I'll be sure to let you know if there's anything else I need. And in case you were wondering why I'm so afflicted with the small one handed or compacted weapons, it's because my character will only have one hand to work with most of the time..
The shotpistol does use the same ammo as the regular shotguns, it mainly has low capacity and the short sight radius you expect from pistol. For the uninitiated, the 'sight radius' is the distance between the front and rear sight; the longer it is, the more precise your aim. Only having one hand is one thing, but you'll have to enlighten me why that's only 'most of the time'.
My app Name: Alistair Griffiths Age: 30 Physical Description: 5 foot 8, Alistair is a thick set white male with similar facial structure to an Earth Australian. He has very light stubble and trimmed moustache like this: Personality: Alistair embodies the typical, tough as nails, army commander. Vocation: Gunfighter Traits: Advantages: Standard Military training: It should be obvious why he has this. Computer assisted aiming: Alistair has remarkable accuracy, thanks to his bionic eye. Resourceful/Quick thinking: Making the most of what you have, quickly, is something that the war hammered into him. Flaws: Lingering hatred: He still despises people of Neue Bayern Authoritarian: He is not used to having his authority questioned, and often tries to take the lead. Hot tempered Cybernetics: Alistair's right eye is a high quality bionic eye provided to him by the military when his own was lost. Equipment: Winchester Rifle Reflex cloth jacket Water flask Colt S.A.A (Single Action Army) Rifle Case; Also holds all the supplies needed to clean and maintain his weapons. Utility Belt; Has two ammo pouches and a water flask attached. History: When Alistair was 24, he and his father were drafted to serve in the war on the side of the Pyreneus Republic. In a particularly brutal battle towards the close of the war Alistair’s father was shot twice in the chest. With his dying breath his father told him the same thing he had for the entirety of their service together, “Work for peace, my son. This war is a trivial waste of life, be the one to stop it.” With those last words, his father life ebbed away, leaving Alistair stunned and sorrowful. His trance was broken, however, when a Neue Bayern soldier appeared over the nearby rise, taking aim at him. Snatching up his father’s prized winchester rifle, Alistair took but a second to aim, pulling the trigger and ending the life of the enemy soldier. Despite his father’s words, Alistair did not work for peace. Instead, fuelled by a cold knot of hatred that took the place of his father, he fought harder than ever, earning distinction and rising up the ranks, soon earning command over a battalion, one of the most prestigious in Pyreneuan army. With his new found position he railed against the call of peace, gathering supporters, urging the fight to go on. Clearly his efforts were worthless, as the peace treaty was signed regardless. Why then, you say, did he choose to help construct this rail way of peace? Perhaps some lingering commitment to his fathers words, or some attachment to the place where he had fought so stoically. What ever his motives, he is here, and this rail is damn well gonna be finished. Other notes: The Rifle: Looking like an antique, outmoded weapon, this Winchester has several interesting qualities. For one, all the metallic components of the weapon are fashioned out of tungsten. This weapon uses 10mmLR rounds, similar to a DMR. The internal workings are also far more efficient than its old-fashioned counter-parts. All in all the weapon is immensely valuable and incredibly effective.
One other quick question, what are the weather conditions in the no man's land? Cold and snowy, desert, tropical, or what? Because that could determine several matters such as wardrobe and gun upkeep.
The first gripe is a formatting one; a minor detail I know, but the spaces are kinda distracting. But I must ask, why were you half-hearted while writing it? Is there some way I can help? Also, another chrome shy? Geez, I thought people would be all over cybernetics; guess most don't share my tastes. That was the next thing on my list to cover. The region is fairly arid; the main thing that makes the place 'untameable' is limited water supplies, and what few settlements that flourish do so near those water sources. Though don't assume this place is a scorching desert, the region can get pretty chilly, especially at night and during the winter months.
Why was I half-hearted? Technically I'm on holidays, I wrote it just randomly here and there, but without any real effort. As for the formatting, I apologise for that. Edit: I modified the formatting, and gave him a bionic eye.
No worries, feel free to refine your character when your not so busy with the no doubt wonderful holiday you're having. We're in no rush here; I'm still setting the stage, after all.
Judging by the uniforms of the military personel, I'm guessing it's gonna be winter then? Also, I will more than satiate a need for cybernetics, don't worry about that.
More like late fall; but frankly, I kinda want an excuse for people to wear awesome coats, and the current winter months might have an influence on that. Also about the cybernetics, even if you don't start out with any, doesn't mean you can't acquire some later; especially in the case of severe injuries that may lead to a need for prostheses.
These ones will be more willful modifications, like a head jack, prosthetics around his eyes like in Deus Ex to have a pop-up screen, and possibly a cybernetic arm as well, with the cable jack built in, as well as some other goodies.
Well to be honest, it's really only my guy out of almost all of them that would shy from Cybernetics, but I just felt this guy is perfect for it.
Okay, so regarding weapons, what would the feasibility of having an plasma rifle with similar stats to the charge rifle, designed to inflict hot pain rather than lethal blows? Basically, instead of spewing plasma it fires a compressed pellet of it which dissipates past the effective range. Probably looted off an officer before she was exiled. Again.
If you want a non-lethal weapon, that's what the electrolasers are for. If 'searing hot pain' is your aim, there's microwave area denial weapons, but those are tripod or vehicle mounted, and usually only deployed by anti-riot teams. Plasma weapons are a terrible option for anything besides destruction; if there's a range where it counts as 'non-lethal' anything shorter ranged will melt their faces off.
Noted. I want to go with an electriolaser, but I'm not entirely sure how they work mechanically. Like, does it work like a normal firearm? What about against armor? How does one handle reloading? Etc.
It works like a laser gun, obviously. It fires a ultraviolet beam to create an ionized path through the air, using that to channel an electrical jolt. The high voltage of the shock allows it to bypass armour to an extent, larger models with higher outputs being better at this. They use standard power cells, which will behave like ammo for the thing. The pistol model uses a C cell, which is appropriately pistol magazine sized, the carbine model uses two C cells clipped together in a unit, and the large 'heavy' model uses a D cell, which is the size of a thick paperback book.