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Bug/Issue "No suitable graphics card found."

Discussion in 'Support' started by Youvolo, Feb 11, 2018.

  1. Youvolo

    Youvolo Space Hobo

    Hi all,
    So this issue just started whenever I try to launch the game. I get an error message saying the following:
    "No suitable graphics card found. Could not find a Direct3D device that supports the XNA Framework HiDef profile. Verify that a suitable graphics device is installed. Make sure the desktop is not locked, and that no other application is running in full screen mode. Avoid running under Remote Destop or as a Windows service. Check the display properties to make sure hardware acceleration is set to Full."
    Its really strange too considering I was playing earlier today and this has now become a problem. I've tried restarting and reinstalling steam and Stardew. My graphics card is up to date and I've restarted my computer multiple times. I've tried looking on forums with similar issues to no avail. Any advice for this is greatly appreciated.
    Thanks again,

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