Note Blocks?.....

Discussion in 'Blocks and Crafting' started by Dynafols, Apr 7, 2012.

  1. Dynafols

    Dynafols Black Hole Surfer

    Hey everyone, its me, Dynafols! Bwahahahahaahahahahaha....:barefeet:

    Anyways, I was curious if Note Blocks or Music Blocks were already suggested or confirmed and had found nothing of the sort (please correct me if I am wrong (and if a moderator sees this and the thread is in the wrong furom(I was questionable between Blocks, Mechanics, and Others) please move it to the respectable furom))But however, this concept and idea has already been used (such as Minecraft) so I couldn't take credit for this idea.

    The idea is simple, blocks that create a single noise when actived, but of course can be activated in a specific order and manner to create "music", similiar to Minecraft.

    Another idea which could be similiar to the note block idea are music blocks, similiar to Terraria where you have a block (well in Terraria it was a piece of decoration) that plays a soundtrack from the game.

    Similiar Ideas that could be Applied (in a way).
    ---Some monsters that are sound based (such as a giant earred rabbit that attacks with sound waves) can drop "music goop" that could be used as a part of a note/music block recipe?

    ---Some blocks or sound based items could play music or sound while in your inventory, (so that music can be more optional based in Custom Made maps as well as the sense that the thing is with you(such as a molten orb or a heart thats beating or something)).

    ---Singing Blocks? :p (Blocks you mine that are singing when you discover them)

    ---Musical Plants? (Could also be apart of a music block recipe similiar to "music goop").

    ...and thats all (folks), have a nice day.
  2. RuskinReynolds

    RuskinReynolds Big Damn Hero

    i quite like these ideas :) hows about something (a helm or some such) which lets you see the local soundscape, and either 'mine' high concentrations of sound or perhaps allow you to follow noisy creatures which have escaped your immediate view? Or maybe there could be areas of sound which are too loud for you to enter, and specific helms have different tolerance levels? Exploring sound as a sculptable medium seems awesome to me :D
  3. Dead

    Dead Star Wrangler

    I like the whimsicle air beind this concept. Maybe musical minerals make mighty magical ... weapons? Dang almost had a nice combo there! Anywho.

    It's a very clever idea and I think you should work on it some more, give a little more detail so that they can visualize its function in the game.
  4. Alpha_Squad

    Alpha_Squad Cosmic Narwhal

    I would like to see something like this in game. Hopefully it can be compact and is able to spanned across a large area. It could be used for something on your ship or even in adventure maps.
  5. Zailiner

    Zailiner Over 9000!!!

    I'd love having music blocks, there's always a track in a game that I love listening to, but always have to return to that
    certain area to listen to. Music blocks will take care of this problem! Especially boss music.

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