I can put red dude's colors in a normal human body color option, yes Code: { "ffe2c5" : "ffffff", "ffc181" : "fbcabc", "d39c6c" : "f89584", "c7815b" : "ef43340" }, The white one has five values, though, and the normal human body options have four. Just using the first four values: Code: { "ffe2c5" : "ffffff", "ffc181" : "d7d7d7", "d39c6c" : "b0b0b0", "c7815b" : "979797" }, If it looks off somehow, if any of them look off somehow, they can be adjusted.
Paste the bodyColors from your .species file so I can look it over. Saying it doesn't work is a little... I can't do much with that statement, y'know?
], "bodyColor" : [ { "ffe2c5" : "ffffff", "ffc181" : "6cfffe", "d39c6c" : "77fcea", "c7815b" : "77fcea" }, { "ffe2c5" : "ffffff", "ffc181" : "f9e146", "d39c6c" : "f1b920", "c7815b" : "f1b920" }, { "ffe2c5" : "d9c189", "ffc181" : "a38d59", "d39c6c" : "735e3a", "c7815b" : "735e3a" } ],
Okay you're still going to have to tell me something a little more... descriptive.. than "it doesn't work". I replaced my human.species bodyColor options with what you just posted. JUST copy and paste. Didn't change ANYTHING: All I can say is make sure you're changing the right file, dood. You'll change novakid.species rather than human.species, for your novakids, and you should only have one novakid.species. If you have another floating around, it'll overwrite it.
It's not working because you changed the colors used on your sprites. The way the body colors work is by finding the color of a pixel, and replacing it with another. If you have "ffe2c5" : "ffffff" in your bodycolor list, it finds the color "ffe2c5" on your sprite and replaces it with "ffffff". At some point you changed your sprites so now the colors wont show up. You will have to go in and figure out which colors need to be replaced for the new sprites.
The malebody.png and femalebody.png were the two I was talking about. Either change those two to match the pallet of the head, or change the head to match the body. The palette you are using for the body is
So i change the male+female body color to the palette to match the body, but now the gas color changing isn't working
So everything is using the color pallet I posted? If so, use this. Code: "bodyColor" : [ { "ffe2c5" : "ffffff", "e0975c" : "6cfffe", "a85636" : "77fcea", "6f2919" : "77fcea" }, { "ffe2c5" : "ffffff", "e0975c" : "f9e146", "a85636" : "f1b920", "6f2919" : "f1b920" }, { "ffe2c5" : "d9c189", "e0975c" : "a38d59", "a85636" : "735e3a", "6f2919" : "735e3a" } ], I believe that should work, but if it doesn't let me know.
It works, yet all of these colors: Just make one color which is I need it to make all colors from dark to light like this Same with the yellow dude. His colors are But they're supposed to be also, how do you make those gifs?
Not sure how Westeller did his gif, but I usually record the screen with dxtory or something and then edit it in photoshop. Can you upload your malehead.png for me?
Try this Code: "bodyColor" : [ { "e0975c" : "ffffff", "a85636" : "6cfffe", "6f2919" : "77fcea" }, { "e0975c" : "ffffff", "a85636" : "f9e146", "6f2919" : "f1b920" }, { "ffe2c5" : "d9c189", "e0975c" : "a38d59", "6f2919" : "735e3a" } ], That's with the pallet you gave me. The blues don't look very different in game though.
I'm not sure what the last one was supposed to be, but it was in there already so I just left it. Code: "bodyColor" : [ { "e0975c" : "ffffff", "a85636" : "80ffff", "6f2919" : "00ffff" }, { "e0975c" : "ffffff", "a85636" : "ffff80", "6f2919" : "ffff00" }, { "e0975c" : "ffffff", "a85636" : "f89584", "6f2919" : "ef4340" } ],
Mod should be finished by now. all i need to do is add hair and stuff. ill add you in the credits for sure.