Race Novakids can breath in atmosphereless zones

Discussion in 'NPCs and Creatures' started by Leviasean, Dec 11, 2013.

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  1. Leviasean

    Leviasean Space Spelunker

    Say you guys make a moon, but it has no atmosphere. Novakids wont need gear to breath.
  2. Leviasean

    Leviasean Space Spelunker

    Also, poisons gas wont have a effect either
  3. Cowzgomooz_1

    Cowzgomooz_1 Void-Bound Voyager

    Well they are basically a walking star what if they ignite a gas then they be as dead as dead could be
    Unit-2417 likes this.
  4. CondescendedWow

    CondescendedWow Supernova

    true, true and it would make sense that the Novakids would be completely invulnerable to being stripped of oxygen, but that would also mean that they would be able to be underwater as long as... ever. Either that or the Novakids are able to stay in water for an even less amount of time than any other race because the Novakids are pretty much just humanoid bits of energy and they are supposed to be born from a star that went supernova SOOOOOOOOO THEREFORE THE NOVAKIDS SHOULD BE ABLE TO BREATHE IN SPACE BUT THEY WILL BARELY BE ABLE TO BE UNDERWATER FOR A COUPLE SECONDS.
  5. Model QT-377665

    Model QT-377665 Ketchup Robot

    Well, they still likely need to take in Gases to fuel themselves(Breathing) so I don't know about this
  6. CondescendedWow

    CondescendedWow Supernova

    it depends what kinds of gases though, if they just need matter to burn in their hearts then they can just suck in some space dust. It'd be a little choke-y but they'd be able to keep the fire going. Unless they're made out of normal fire because then the Novakids wouldn't be able to go water or space. In space fire needs oxygen to keep burning so they'd get snuffed out almost instantly and underwater.... it just makes sense that a being made mostly out of fire wouldn't be able to go underwater.
  7. Model QT-377665

    Model QT-377665 Ketchup Robot

    Well they're Sun people, they are Plasma not Fire, Suns combine atoms and such up into heavier matter, so Space Dust might work, though they'd probably not last as long underwater as people have said. So Space good, Pond Bad.
  8. CondescendedWow

    CondescendedWow Supernova

    Yay, by your theory my theory was right thanks for helping me out with that whole thing. I was also wondering what they were made out of and plasma seems to make enough sense because a dense super-heated half liquid half solid substance just makes sense for a seemingly single celled organism with the exception of their magnetic face charms. They kinda remind me of the super-evolved robots from the evolution episode of Futurama (except these guys have limbs).
  9. CondescendedWow

    CondescendedWow Supernova

    And adding onto cowzgomooz's comment just because they're in a poisonous gas filled area doesn't mean that it's going to be combustible... but it'd be pretty funny to watch a clueless Novakid walk into a flammable cloud of gas and just light the area up.
    Model QT-377665 likes this.
  10. Pepperkat

    Pepperkat Phantasmal Quasar

    I think they would be able to be in space, or environments without oxygen forever, since their bodies operate on fusion, it takes them quite a long time to run out of their base molecules.
    However, since interaction with liquids would lower their temperatures, it would halt the fusion process, and kill them quite quickly.

    Because science.
  11. TheApothecanary

    TheApothecanary Starship Captain

    this would make the novakids op, unless water was treated like lava (rain would kill em slowly) being in water would kill them instantly.
  12. CondescendedWow

    CondescendedWow Supernova

    Rain would be a substitute for acid rain and I don't think the acid rain would hurt them too much but it'd certainly do a bit a damage because it's still a liquid.
    Sgt_Hankey and Model QT-377665 like this.
  13. Zaisher

    Zaisher Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh SAND BOX FREE DOM YOU SHOULDNT HAVE TO MAKE AN ENTIRELY NEW CHARCHTER TO BE ABLE TO EXPLORE SPACE MORE EFFICENTLY(sorry about the caps im just agitated people won't accept non race specific abilities)
  14. Alaster

    Alaster Orbital Explorer

    You could still explore space all you want to.
    Just some races might have to take more precaution than others.
    For example: Novakid can't go underwater. Novakid has to make scuba-gear. Problem solved.
    Model QT-377665 likes this.
  15. CondescendedWow

    CondescendedWow Supernova

    Or just some suit providing space to move and something inside for the nova kids fire to consume. But the scuba gear works too, could be used for other races 'n' stuff.
  16. LogicSauce

    LogicSauce Tentacle Wrangler

    I think NovaKids should need a thermal suit while in space so they don't lose any of their heat energy and die. I agree that they wouldn't beathe like normal humanoid creatures but would still need to respire in some way by absorbing oxygen into their bodies to create energy for themselves.
  17. Model QT-377665

    Model QT-377665 Ketchup Robot

    That's actually a great point, Novakids being plasma beings, they should be more susceptible to cold.
  18. Sgt_Hankey

    Sgt_Hankey Request for Urgent Business Relationship

    Sorry, but I can't accept this kind of racial difference without knowing what the rest will be like.
    I urge you to list examples of what the other species' abilities and inabilities could be.
  19. Model QT-377665

    Model QT-377665 Ketchup Robot

    This is about the Novakids, not the other Races.
  20. Sgt_Hankey

    Sgt_Hankey Request for Urgent Business Relationship

    Well fine, but I still need to know what the other Race's abilities might be then to Balance this out.
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