Well in General, sometimes when Mining out around a large ore Deposit, They group together into a huge heavy ore. It was to be in-conjunction with this vehicle idea, since its heavy and requires means to pick it up and haul it. http://community.playstarbound.com/index.php?threads/power-armor.4981/ The idea might be new method's to haul mineral from one place to another. Alright, Back on track. Ore Boulder's happen at random when mining or when you leave four of a ore together in a Square pattern exist while mining around it. At random it'll become a Boulder. Or you would call it a chunk. Sure, they can be crafted as they are or it happens. These chunks have more ore in them, will roll around or sit there depending on its shape. But to extract the extra reward, you gotta pick or extract minerals from them where they are, Unless you had a means to pick it up and haul it else where. Whatever the means is. But its way more dangerous seeing if its coming towards you will do great damage, you know, Physics of gravity if it was barreling downward onto you on a slope or stairs. Or from falling on you. What makes them useful is that being a bunch of ore bundled together is that it can be hauled and store else where. Downside is ya gotta pick at it for the rewards, Depending the situation, its almost always dangerous unless taken somewhere else unless a means to lift and haul it.