Ores/materials that we want in StarBound

Discussion in 'Blocks and Crafting' started by Amodii, Jun 16, 2012.

  1. Amodii

    Amodii Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I was looking for a thread
    that was focused on giving the developers
    ideas for ores but i could not find one so i made this thread.

    This thread will be for posting ore ideas on so try to keep it to that.
    also i would like if you could post any ideas for craftable alloys.
    also including powders like sulphur and liquids like oil.
    so essentially any materials you can think of.

    anyways here is my list.

    lapis lazuli
    rose quartz
    Zd0g96 likes this.
  2. Manilian

    Manilian Big Damn Hero

    That is so Earthy.. remember- this game is gonna set in other planets too. So the devs might add other ores from other planets, maybe strange ones like a liquid like substance that can easily turn into a solid, like a solid mercury. Or an ore that glows, an ore that floats- I don't know, just be creative and try not to stick with Earth.
    Zangoose likes this.
  3. Amodii

    Amodii Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    i am not just talking about earth materials.
    this is just a base list.
    i have not thought of any spacey materials yet.
  4. SuperWillieD

    SuperWillieD Pangalactic Porcupine

    magnesium, bismuth, something that looks so much like stone that its hard to see, an "ore" thats a sleeping alien that tries to attack, and an ore that may explode any moment while your mining it.
  5. Cronos

    Cronos Star Wrangler

    ooo i like this topic, I think they should have ores and all that fun stuff to look for, but not a set ... idk, "final" ore/equipment. Like in minecraft (as far as i know) diamond is the best, and it stops there, and in terraria what, hallow? and they had it a little bit in terraria how different armor was better for different things, but it wasnt significant enough to use that other armor (atleast i didnt)

    bottom line, they should have ores that make stuff but none is "the best" instead there is many alternatives to appeal to multiple people make sense?
    Manilian likes this.
  6. Manilian

    Manilian Big Damn Hero

    Good idea, maybe a specific ore from outer space can allow you to go to "this" planet, and that ore can let you go underground. You know what I mean?
    Lordofrye likes this.
  7. Cronos

    Cronos Star Wrangler

    so your saying that different ores allow you to go to different environments. so say theres an ore that makes specifically like, diving equipment and one that makes anti lava equipment and so neither of these ores are "better" but they help for different environments?

    did i understand?
  8. Manilian

    Manilian Big Damn Hero

    Yeah, all ores can be equal.
  9. Cronos

    Cronos Star Wrangler

    but you can't have necisarily all of them equal because then for fighting purposes there isnt the motivation to get something better
  10. Manilian

    Manilian Big Damn Hero

    Hmmm, each ore can yet be equal in environment, but how about each ore is unique in combat? Iron armor can give you protection but slow you down, while some space or armor can speed you up and yet weaken you.
  11. Cronos

    Cronos Star Wrangler

    then in a way each armor could have a relationship between how they are in combat and what they are used for in environments, but this could lead to those armors that are absolutely horrendous to use, or even have them unrelatable, having combat armor, and environment armor
  12. Manilian

    Manilian Big Damn Hero

    It can encourage people to treat the armor like a puzzle, "Which goes great with these Boots of Flygsg, the Helmet of FFfwefwe or that?" Of course not in a fashion way. :p
  13. Cronos

    Cronos Star Wrangler

    I could see this, or would like to see this :p it keeps the armor progression from being "finished" unless you want it to be. There's always option b that could be slightly better in that situation. Well alright Idk if i have anything further to add about it
    Manilian likes this.
  14. Lordofrye

    Lordofrye Guest

    in fact, there is oobleck, which solidifies under pressure, so if you run across it, it seems like floor, but if you stand sink and can't get out because it solidifies your stuck parts
  15. Amodii

    Amodii Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    good idea and maybe if you try to use it as a space suit it suddenly jumps off you and you suffocate in space.

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