Bug/Issue OSX - Game CTD midway thru mission

Discussion in 'Support' started by fridaysdust, Jan 3, 2016.

  1. fridaysdust

    fridaysdust Space Hobo

    Hey team,

    Love the game! Unfortunately, I'm experiencing an issue that causes crash to desktop midway through a mission, causing me to have to replay the same level over and over, until I can get to an autosave point. Obviously, with some of the epic level designs you've made, this can be quite frustrating.

    I've uploaded the crash logs to a .txt, but let me know if you'd like me to post them in-thread.

    Macbook Pro 15" Mid 2012
    El Cap - 10.11.2
    2.3 GHz i7
    16 GB 1600 MHz DD3
    Intel HD 4000/NVIDIA GT 650M

    Hoping for a solution,


      Attached Files:

    • Seminus

      Seminus Halfway Developer Developer

      Hmm interesting. This is a similar system some of us uses to develop the game. I think that is something Daniel, our coder has to look into.
        fridaysdust likes this.
      • CoDi

        CoDi Halfway Developer Developer

        So the game crashes randomly, in different places and levels during gameplay?

        The log looks very odd. The game code was deep in OpenGL driver code when the crash happened.

        Please try to run the game on the integrated GPU (personally I'm using gfxCardStatus to toggle GPU usage on my MBP). The Intel HD 4000 should be fast enough to render Halfway at a reasonable frame rate.

        If this doesn't help, I'd appreciate if you can post a few more crash logs, so we can check if the crash always happens at the same code location.
          fridaysdust likes this.
        • fridaysdust

          fridaysdust Space Hobo

          Thanks for your quick reply, guys.

          CoDi- yes random crashes in different places and levels.

          I used gfxCardStatus to enforce integrated graphics (HD 4000) usage, and got about an hour into the game before another crash occurred.

          I have attached the log as a txt file, as before.

          I'll continue to play, and if I see another crash i'll upload that log too.



            Attached Files:

          • CoDi

            CoDi Halfway Developer Developer

            Ok, the second log looks quite similar, but the list of binary images is different. Is this the same version?

            Please try to disable the Steam Overlay in the Halfway game properties. With the help of mighty Google I found some related crash reports from other games which were reportedly resolved that way. Likewise, if you happen to run any other software which might interfere with graphics (like screen capture software), try to turn them off as well.
            • fridaysdust

              fridaysdust Space Hobo

              Hello CoDi,

              Actually, in trying to self-solve, I downloaded the beta version of the game to see if that would resolve. Would you like me to revert?

              I will disable Steam Overlay. I don't believe I have any other software that could interfere with the graphics.

              Thanks again- I'll report back.
              • fridaysdust

                fridaysdust Space Hobo

                I switched off the Steam Overlay, and still experienced the crash. Attached is the log.

                Recap of current settings:
                Halfway [native]
                Integrated Graphics forced by gfxCardStatus
                Steam Overlay disabled

                It's a little late here but I'll see if I can recreate the crash with the original (non-native) version of Halfway before tomorrow.

                  Attached Files:

                • CoDi

                  CoDi Halfway Developer Developer

                  Yes, use of the official, non-beta branch is recommended, which is version 1.2.7. I don't remember any technical issues fixed since we did the native version, but as the native build is a big technical change by itself, it's better to rule it out.
                  • netherby

                    netherby Space Hobo

                    I am getting the same crash.. 10 months later.. Still no fix?

                      Attached Files:

                    • Seminus

                      Seminus Halfway Developer Developer

                      Hey netherby

                      Do you also use the "native" build? If yes, please switch over to the official "None Beta" branch as this is the newest support version. You should not have this crashes anymore after that.
                      • netherby

                        netherby Space Hobo

                        I have the steam version (1.2.7), where/how can I get this 'None Beta' version? Is it called 'test' in steam?
                        • Seminus

                          Seminus Halfway Developer Developer

                          If you have not switched anything in the properties in Steam, then you run on the latest. (Just let the setting in the beta tab on "None - blaBla" and you are fine)

                          As it seems that you have this crash with the regular version of HW we would like to have some more information.

                          1. What Mac are you the game running on? (As many information as possible please)
                          2. Is this crash happening often or only once yet?
                          3. When did it actually happen. (As specific as possible please)

                          If it is something that happens regularly we need to find it.
                          • netherby

                            netherby Space Hobo

                            Okay, so the crash is happening constantly. So far it has been triggered by: Advancing a dialogue, clicking on things in the inventory and performing an action with a squad member. It will always occur after 'a while' of playing, roughly two missions. Maybe after one if it was a long/big mission. Usually happens very soon after loading the next mission, but has also happened in the 'base' area when talking to people.

                            System specs are: Mac Pro (Early 2008), 2 x 2.8 Ghz quad core xeons and 8 GB ram. Running OSX 10.11.6
                            Graphics is ATI Radeon HD 5770 (1G:cool: with two displays attached.

                            My crash log looks very similar to the original posters log.
                            • CoDi

                              CoDi Halfway Developer Developer

                              The crash log doesn't tell very much, I'm afraid. It doesn't seem to crash inside game code, so I'm not quite sure how to proceed here. One idea would be to try disabling the Steam Overlay, as we already suggested to @fridaysdust. Also please make sure you don't run any sandboxing or VM software which may interfere.

                              Also, it may be worth a try to run the game with SFX turned off. This is just a wild guess, but some audio (codec?) problem would explain why the crash seems to happen at random places.
                              • netherby

                                netherby Space Hobo

                                I did try disabling the steam overlay when I first read this, but it made no difference. I will try turning off the SFX.

                                The crash seems related to graphics though, it always happens when some new element or effect is drawn. I'm reasonably sure it never happens from just walking around.

                                If I restart the game between each mission it doesn't crash.
                                  Last edited: Nov 1, 2016

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