apinanaivot updated Owerpowered weapons & tools with a new update entry: 1.2 -Bugs fixed Read the rest of this update entry...
If your having trouble you probly have the mod in the wrong place you need to go to giraffe_storage in the starbound folder it has a mod folder I made the same mistake by having it in the main part of the starbound folder.
apinanaivot updated Owerpowered weapons & tools with a new update entry: 1.3 - Fixes Read the rest of this update entry...
Perfectly Generic block issue. I try to spawn the hyper crafting table but I get a perf gen block :/ plox halp other people can use it fine so why can't I ? ;-;
apinanaivot updated Owerpowered weapons & tools with a new update entry: 1.4 - New items Read the rest of this update entry...
apinanaivot updated Owerpowered weapons & tools with a new update entry: 1.5 - Pixel gun Read the rest of this update entry...
Can you please make this mod multiplayer b.c the items you drop (in multiplyer) turn into those green things. also when i place the hypercraftingtable in multiplayer My game will crash Please see if you can do something about this. Anyway this is my favorite mod
Hyperpick's durability causes log spam on servers when a client uses it (together will all the other error messages caused by items not existing). Error: Could not instantiate item '[hyperpick, 1, {"durabilityHit":20}]'. (ItemException) No such item 'hyperpick' Any chance you'll make this mod multiplayer compatible (by creating recipes for modded existing items rather than just creating new ones)?
i dont think this is multiplayer friendly... its compatible, but everyone thinks its wayyyyy to laggy