Fiad submitted a new mod: Parkour - Adds parkour mechanics similar to Gmod parkour Read more about this mod...
I noticed that even without having the tech enabled, equipped, or with a backdrop to make it work I was still running fast, bunny hopping, and jumping ridiculously high on the planets surface. Was this intentional or did it goof?
well the tech was in my tech menu even before I was supposed to find it at the outpost so I think something is counting it as activated and selected even if it is not. Not that I am really complaining about being able to run fast and getting the occasional jump boost, but it would be best if you could figure out how to make it solely based in the tech being equipped. Another idea though is to turn the movement speed, high jump and bunny hopping into individual techs themselves that are all oriented for motion and spelunking. Like the head mod can be bunny hopping, the torso can be speed increase and fall resistance, and the legs can be a Mario esc triple jump with height added on or just something like rocket jump without being rocket jump. That way we can mix and match the effects we want and having all three will make me feel like a total bad-ass ninja.
Fiad updated Parkour with a new update entry: A few adjustments. Read the rest of this update entry...
Fiad updated Parkour with a new update entry: Parkour arena and tech improvements. Read the rest of this update entry...
I'm waiting until I have something good to screenshot/video. Which is as soon as I finish the demonstration room int the parkour arena. So at best, a video is coming out in a day or two. Worst case scenario, a couple of screenshots.
Fiad updated Parkour with a new update entry: First parkour room and some adjustments. Read the rest of this update entry...
This is a bit buggy, i tried the wall jump and It pushed me downwards, i almost died EDIT: Also, it did 141 damage
I downloaded the mod, I selected the quest but I can't find the tech anywhere. It's not even in my ship, I can't find it anywhere. Bug ?
not too sure what the command is to see this tech, what would be the command to be able to see the tech?
Ermmmm..... Is the quest supposed to have any text? I accepted it in the Eruchius Mining Facility (no seriously) and the quest has no text and is titled Parkour Module