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performance issues when loading save file+ glitches related to gifting in the current beta version

Discussion in 'Support' started by Tatsuya, Jun 1, 2018.

  1. Tatsuya

    Tatsuya Void-Bound Voyager

    So after the 1.3 beta patch, I noticed a very distinctive and aggravating stuttering that seems to be occuring pretty much for a few minutes every time I load my save. Now back in the days it wasnt as distinctive/annoying but it became really noticeable, even if its only for like 2 minutes and after that it mostly stops.

    Also I noticed that with Shane, to who I had the weekly 2 gift limits reached prior to the beta update, it pretty much "bugged out(?)" for me, meaning that no matter how many weeks have passed, the game still claims that I have reached the 2 gifts limit and it never clears out. Sadly I didnt had the time to verify if the friendship level is bugged as well with him and/or if this is occuring with other npc-s as well, but i wouldnt be surprised.

    any suggestion or help would be appreciated, hope these things will get noticed by the dev and ironed out in later patches.
    • Blorp

      Blorp Big Damn Hero

      See here about the gifts thing. You could try giving them gifts on their birthday, and then waiting for the next week to see if it starts resetting. If you are comfortable editing your save yourself, just change any "<GiftsThisWeek>2</GiftsThisWeek>" to "<GiftsThisWeek>0</GiftsThisWeek>" and that should fix it. If not, you can upload a zip of your save and I'll do it.
      • Tatsuya

        Tatsuya Void-Bound Voyager

        i would very much appreciate your help since i dont feel comfortable tweaking around my save: https://www.dropbox.com/s/dkszjafvcnn4shx/TatsuyaHiroki_137528699.rar?dl=0

        Thank you again
        • Blorp

          Blorp Big Damn Hero

          Here you go.

            Attached Files:

            _Keru_ and Tatsuya like this.
          • Tatsuya

            Tatsuya Void-Bound Voyager

            omg, thank you thank you so much <3 the performance also seem to have been fixed in this version in my save

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