Hahah! I think adding a Phaseblade from Terraria would be a funny but cool addition to the game xD I think it would show how the core heart of the game is still at it's roots but is still at the same time advancing rapidly! ~ Just talking crazy like >-> John Devince
Starbound practically requires a lightsaber of some kind, much more so then Terraria did, seeing as this game is much more based on sci-fi aspects.
NO, please, do NOT make it autoswing! I mean, please, do not make every melee weapon attack in that dull, boring way! Make them unique! Here I go with my rant about melee again, lol! Still, phaseblades are a given, just look at the screenshots and see those "laser" axes and things!
I'm not sure if we should have them. I guess you could because of the space theme and everything, but we had them in Terrara already..
They had it in Star Wars already, yet they included them in Terraria Also, if you're not going to include something because it's already on Terraria, there will be plenty of things that won't get included, lol ^^
I guess you're right. I'm not against them, but if they include them they should handle differently than the phaseblades from Terraria.
Different in what sense? You mean the appearance, the stats, the materials it's done from...? I wouldn't worry too much about that though, I'm sure it'll be awesome.
The appearance should be a bit different and they should't only be swung over your head. Maybe you could even have some variations, like a phasedagger or have a double edged one like darth maul
I'm certain we'll have those variations. For the time being, it seems we already have phase-axes, judging from the screenshots! ^^
Hmm... Now that i think about it "Phase" can fit quite onto quite a few things to make- Phasaxes Phasedrills Phaselasers In fact this could be a new tier!
Something like... ugh... like each color will have its own unique name. So for example if you had like a blue "phaseblade" it would be called Nebula or something cool like that, or if you had a red one it would be called Cosmic Destroyer... I just love that name for a weapon.. o__o maybe I'll make a weapon called the Cosmic Destroyer!
There are no tiers in Starbound, scince it's all procedurally generated at different planets and depending on the planet the gear will be better.