Picture Fight

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by HueHuey, Sep 4, 2016.

  1. Arcadoof

    Arcadoof Star Wrangler

    Batman is softer than metal, water shurkien can cut an Abrams tank in half
  2. Firebird Zoom

    Firebird Zoom Oxygen Tank

    Behold the power of 「DANK MEMES」!
    Parrotte likes this.
  3. Arcadoof

    Arcadoof Star Wrangler

    But the emperor has emotions, he will be overpowered by this kitten
  4. Firebird Zoom

    Firebird Zoom Oxygen Tank

  5. Arcadoof

    Arcadoof Star Wrangler

  6. Firebird Zoom

    Firebird Zoom Oxygen Tank

    Yes, yes he can. Ultramarine_Honour_Guard.jpg
    Parrotte likes this.
  7. Arcadoof

    Arcadoof Star Wrangler

    What about an arceus mech
  8. Firebird Zoom

    Firebird Zoom Oxygen Tank

    Might need a few more than just one, but yes they can probably reduce it to scrap within a few minutes. 40kFFSpaceMarinesPrimarisLt.jpg You really need to start thinking more abstractly.
    Parrotte likes this.
  9. Arcadoof

    Arcadoof Star Wrangler

    Abstractly huh? IMG_1483.JPG
    How about an equation that when attempted to be calculated reality itself breaks.
  10. Tyle

    Tyle Existential Complex


    Dude, again? Get creative.
    Tlactl and Firebird Zoom like this.
  11. Arcadoof

    Arcadoof Star Wrangler

    Tyle likes this.
  12. Firebird Zoom

    Firebird Zoom Oxygen Tank

    Unfortunately, he's secretly this guy.
  13. Arcadoof

    Arcadoof Star Wrangler

    One does not simply beat samus Aran.
  14. Firebird Zoom

    Firebird Zoom Oxygen Tank

    Yes, one does. 7936905134_61fa20b066_h-640x400.jpg
    Tlactl likes this.
  15. Tyle

    Tyle Existential Complex

  16. Tlactl

    Tlactl Cosmic Narwhal

  17. Parrotte

    Parrotte Supernova

    I will blot out the sun, for the sake of the vampires.
    Firebird Zoom and Iris Blanche like this.
  18. Tyle

    Tyle Existential Complex


    Oh no you won't
    Firebird Zoom likes this.
  19. Parrotte

    Parrotte Supernova

  20. Arcadoof

    Arcadoof Star Wrangler

    Napoleon might be a fire type.

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