the mountains of the planet connect and make planet of doom then attacks you a pickaxe is reccomended for this boss if you kill it,it will drop stone,and ores attacks:lava launch (shoots lava at you) earthquake (launches you into the air) stone fist (melee, it attacks you with a stone fist) flood (drowns you with water) stone room (creates a stone room around you) drop (makes a 5 block deep hole under you) stone attackers (creates small stone enemies to kill you) when planet of doom dies it collapses to the ground, returning the planet to it's old form by the way plant of doom would be found in a stone planet with many mountains
This idea would work if there was more meat in what this "planet of doom" was. Is it a hidden pirate spaceship trying to ambush unaware adventurers? Is it a group of a couple different types of Virorbs that are stuck to rocks trying to get you? There are many options to what this part of the planet is and you should expand on that. This could be a great boss to fight. But a space terrier like myself knows there is more to a planet wanting travelers dead.
no, literraly HALF the planet attacks you it disconnects from the ground and attacks,it has no brain only an unknown force allowing it to move,thus it is barbaric
I don't know if "half" the planet would be possible. Perhaps a Terraria Meteor size chunk would be better. Then again, Shadow of the Colossus size cliffsides that suddenly tear off from the mountain and try to kill you would be awesome.