This may seem a bit nit-picky, but the base sprites you have on the OP have a bit of a problem. While the smaller one (I consider it the default) has a size of 12 x 30, whether male or female, the larger one has a size of 55 x 135. because the large one is just the small one expanded, this causes some bad spreading ; for example, one of the eyes is 4 x 4 pixels, while the other is 4 x 5. While I don't know if the problem has been noted by anyone else, I do know that the OP hasn't shown that it has. so here, have 2 new large-sprites that are fixed (60 x 150). once again, sorry if this seems like I'm just nit-picking.
I'm sure someone has already made this comparison, but... I bet this will be the race's theme. On an unrelated note, why are the accents in my signature backwards? Meh.
just try stuff out, and get opinions from friends. if you really don't think you're ready for making your own shapes, then start with a flesh-sprite or some other basic thing, and just color over it wherever. nobody will hold it against you for not being epic with pixel-art as long as you don't try and blatantly lie about your skills. In summary : give it a shot, it can't hurt
In addition, ya can also get beginner practice how I did: Re-Color other people's Sprites. Just don't claim it as your own original work. I got my start by Re-Coloring Terraria Armor Sprites.
I started in smwCentral, making GFX for some hacks, if you want to take a look, there's lots of people there, and they can help you (and you can also do more things there)
Just some advice for programs: Use PAINT.NET, that is what I use. It is like ms paint, so if you have already memorized how to use paint, PAINT.NET will be a piece of cake. The program is like ms paint and photoshop put together, you can do pixel by pixel editing, have multiple layers, and it supports transparency (Good for .png, like minecraft texture packs so glass is see through, regular paint fills empty, transparent blocks with white). You can do some really neat things with the program, but it is best if you toy with it yourself . It's free, just install and you are ready to go.
You got the easy way out. Do you know how hard it was to crop Dingo's face down to size WITHOUT it getting blurry due to .jpeg compression? Oh well, still looks good though.
Well, if compression is the problem, you should use .png By the way I used a dirty trick, just scaled down the higher res version with no filters and "corrected" it manually.
I went through each page with CTRL+F to make sure that nobody has asked this yet. Could you/someone be so kind as to add a full set of unicode characters to the font? (or at least the more important ones) As well as making an .fnt file? I might try to help if I can, although I know nothing about fonts other than what symbols they consist of.
Done. Cyrillic characters included:alien: Edit: Um sorry.. it's in TTF. Can't convert it to FNT myself, is it bad?
Oh, I didn't know it was supposed to be a pun... I thought it was a funny Typo. I'm no bright bugger...