It's pretty old Старьё это, я уже давно нормальный шрифт запилил -
Ships, thanks to the previous uploader, I've edited them Hylotl: Glitch: There will be more, still working on them, missing apex and floran
Here´s some templates I made for people to make Human sprites (Also made some videos how to use them here: ) (Hair from character creator used from this thread, posted by Insaniac)
Hey, do any of you guys have a shot of the ingame matter manipulator sprite? I've only found the images used in the toolbar and crafting screen. There are appearances in some videos but those are all terribly fuzzy.
This thread is amazing!!! I've been working hard 'mining' objects from developer screenshots on Starbounder wiki, there are a lot of resources there for furniture and object sprites clipped and cleaned. Anyone looking for furniture and object sprites check it out!! (also it's a wiki, so please feel free to add things, the item template is super easy to modify) - Item listing