you just abbreviated 2 words totaling 7 letters...why? in all seriousness i wish i could do pixel art so i could create stuff like this, and i figured this was the right place to ask you a question concerning this sort of thing. Are there any free programs that i could download to turn a series of pictures into animated gifs?
thank you kindly, i read of GIMP earlier but only was aware of its ability to dissect gifs, not articulate them. you are a gentleman and a scholar
its a trait i dont often see any appreciation for here on the forums, most are actually insulted, thinking i mean less of them by using larger words. it is a bizarre world we live in currently when indeed it should betaken as a complement, its like saying "i undoubtedly trust that you are not only intelligent but literate" and instead they believe im belittling them.
So this is a pretty awesome thread for sprite resources but I found that you have to look through the thread for different animations that you want and that there are few to none female templates so I am presenting y'all with a master sprite sheet for humans. Enjoy. Note: If you open this in a program that has grid configuration, set it to 24 x 36 to easily copy and paste stuff uniformly. Also the Beam Down and Beam Up animation is unisex except for 2 frames. Also they share the same end and beginning 3 frames just in reverse order of course. Ohh and also the Sleeping on Side Drooling animation seemed unisex to me, that's why it's not in the female half.
Took me forever to do this: I'm rather pleased for my first effort, stole part of the teleport for the transformation.
I got bored and decided to try to create a sprite. This is what I imagine you would get if you crossed a Florin with a Venus Fly Trap: Pardon the giant white space and lack of transparency, I couldn't for the life of me figure out how to set the background to transparent when exporting from Adobe Flash CS5, and if I turned down the dpi resolution the image looked very low-res.