You should be able to set transparency when saving the image for web or device. Its a little check box under the selective and Diffusion drop menus.
Woopidooda! I had to edit, and add lazzoors to the post! If you like, you can use it to make some sort of thing shooting or/and dodging the laser. Cheers!
Hope it's still okay to post here... And I hope this is the right place. Blood Elf from Warcraft / World of Warcraft. I was going to attempt doing a bunch of resources for a mod, but I can't code and I'm not sure if I can make enough stuff for it, haha... (I might try to find someone to team up with if I can get some resources going, though.)
The kitteh could jump on and they could ride into battle together! These would be fantastic as emotes on the forums
Little bit of a First post. Was wanting to mod a variant of the car tech, to put an APC into the game...thats a little beyond me at this point in time. However I did make some sprites for it based off the cars sprite sheet. Just some notes and creds, the wheel on this were canabalised from the tech car and the turret (not the barrel) is from the penguin tank. Also the grey of the forum seems to be blending with the sprite so some details are hidden here. So as is these are open to use if anyone feels brave enough to try and import these ingame as a driveable tech and get that turret and gun working then go for it! Just give due credit.
Teleporting like a boss. Took me a while to do Could've been bigger. I used human template from that thread and dust animation from game files.
Is there someplace I could get blank character templates with the characters in the currently available poses? Been working on my own project for a new race, but I need a blank template of every pose & gender in those poses so I can go over each one with their own unique look. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated! Dude... I would love to know how you did this and try my hand at it... please to tell me! =D
Thanks dude! This will be helpful for some future projects I'll probably be working on! If you can find any female blank templates of the different personalities, I would be most appreciative! I wish to add more to my previous race that I created, the Orei. For those who want to see what I've got so far, here's the post I made regarding my idea for a new playable race idea. Take a look!