Ever since the update last night the birds/flying monsters have been incredibly annoying. I don't know why they were made to be so hostile to you. I mean, not all of them are hostile, but the ones that are are a huge pain. It was fine when they attacked if you got too close, but now their relentless pursuit is really annoying. It doesn't even feel like a fun added challenge, it just feel like a huge annoyance. Does anyone else feel this way?
Not only that, but now they breath fire, bubbles, lightning, poison, bouncing explosive rounds... all from the same bloody mob. At level 1.
Agreed. I keep getting killed by birdflocks whose relentless attacks push me down cliffs. It's that Hitchcock movie alright. Then again, it does give good practice with the bow...
These birds are really overpowered now. They do tremendous amounts of damage and knockback and engage aggressive stance at excessive range.
I agree they can be pretty powerful, but if you stay on the move, using a bow to attack them, and melee them when they get closer to the ground they don't seem as big of a problem. Strategize
Level 3 planet, wearing half gold half tier 3 armor (47 points of armor, 152hp), a bird did 100+ damage as a killing blow on me. I understand the strategize/moving part, but if you have to continuously dodge one hit killing attacks when wearing the actual armor level of the planet, I think there's something wrong here.
I suppose you're right there. I didn't realize they were THAT bad. I'm still stuck on my first planet. Damn coal generation...
Kinda hard to stay on the move when your planet is covered with super steep hills though. Probably easier if you have more or less level terrain.
Same planet, wearing 64 points of armor (half makeshift half tier 3), dead by a 141 damage killing blow from a bird. I think I made my point
There are several problems wit h birds. 1. Their aggro range is too large. 2. They have too many ranged attacks on one bird. 3. They are too accurate. 4. They are too persistent. You can't run from them. Even with the dash boost tech, which can let me outrun normal mobs easily. 5. They are considerably stronger than land mobs. Testing this, a land mob did 30 damage to me in one hit, and a flying mob did 85, all while wearing silver armor on a tier 2 planet.
They hit significantly harder than ground mobs, and the fact that ground mobs can spawn extremely close to you off screen makes them even more of a PITA.
I also have to agree the birds are frustrating. While starting out with a new character today, I died five or six times in a row while trying to explore the surface of the planet. I consider myself a moderately skilled player, I beat the UFO with a copper set and iron weaponry first try, but it's certainly not rare for me to get hit once or twice by an opponent during a fight. Unfortunately, with some of the birds' elemental attacks those couple of hits are an instant kill. Crazy hard birds on higher level planets, I can deal with. Crazy hard birds when I'm just starting out, and can't even begin to gather the ore to make better weapons/armour to kick their butts because I can't get to an underground tunnel without being killed three times by birds? Not so cool.
dieing is dieing, the act of dieing does not make the experiance any less interesting. Honestly since land mobs are so easy currently with this horrid patch, its good to have some actual challenging creatures in the game. Starbound better stop getting easier..... Too many supposed "casual" players who just want a damn building game without any adventure or challenge are ruining it. I consider myself a causal player but I actually value gameplay. It seems many of these people don't.
Having a broken mod that is over powered is not balance. Making the monsters on the ground stronger would be fine, but right now the birds are too strong. When fighting bosses I'm more worried about birds showing up than anything else. Not because bosses are too easy, but because birds are so hard.
Bosses are extremely easy now as-well.I have not fought a boss with the new patch yet, but i have seen others complaining about them being too easy. Honestly I understand its in beta and things like this happen, but i have seen way too many games in the past go from insanely awesome to insanely pointless. Spore for example was simplified to make it more fun for 5 year olds. Minecraft became super-easy for awhile there until they patched that. In Spacebasedf9 ( a new game) the devs are trying to make the audience larger without turning on easy mode to keep certain groups of players happy without making it easy.They are doing well. I hope this game takes a nod from that.
Go fight some and get back to us. Before patch I couldn't solo bosses unless they glitched in a wall, now I can unless birds show up. I'm not happy with either option.
Yup, dieing is dieing, but being OS by something when you wear the best armor of the planet level (and even better), that's broken. It's not challenge, it's just bullsh*t. Starbound is a rpg game. In rpg's things don't OS you unless it's a boss or you are underleveled (and neither of those is the case here). Or it's not a rpg, it's a manic shooter game where the things you pew pew take like ten shots to kill but they just have to hit you once to kill you (either by true damage or by knockback/fall damage). I mean, when you see a creature, first question you ask yourself "is it aggressive?", second "how much can I hurt it?" and third "how much does it hurt?". Birds in Frustrated Koala fly over the first question, burn the second and leave your third with "too bad, you're dead". I wouldn't mind having ground targets hitting harder if that gives us challenge (because it's true they aren't very challenging now), but those birds man... they're just overpowered now. I can't wait to look back when the game will be out and tell the new players "I remember a time when birds used to OS us like worms on a stove".
My last log in went something like this. The birds are meaner than before, yes. My solution has been to craft bunkers here and there that I can flee to when things get messy.