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RELEASED Portable Tech + Teleporter Console 1.1

Equip your techs on the fly and teleport from everywhere!

  1. Darkblader24

    Darkblader24 Phantasmal Quasar

    Darkblader24 submitted a new mod:

    Portable Tech + Teleporter Console - Equip your techs on the fly and teleport from everywhere!

    Read more about this mod...
  2. AArticuno3

    AArticuno3 Big Damn Hero

  3. Darkblader24

    Darkblader24 Phantasmal Quasar

  4. Darkblader24

    Darkblader24 Phantasmal Quasar

  5. AArticuno3

    AArticuno3 Big Damn Hero

    Oh! No I was not! Sorry about that! Works in 1.3.1. (Any chance will be a version for before 1.3? For personal reasons :rofl:)
  6. Darkblader24

    Darkblader24 Phantasmal Quasar

    If I find the time, maybe. But it would be an inofficial unsupported version.
  7. AArticuno3

    AArticuno3 Big Damn Hero

    Thank you! That would be awesome for me!
  8. Darkblader24

    Darkblader24 Phantasmal Quasar

    There you go. This should work with Starbound 1.2 and before. Tell me if it works,

    Edit: Removed not working mod file
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2017
  9. AArticuno3

    AArticuno3 Big Damn Hero

    No, sadly, it does not. I can craft it and everything, hold it in my hands, but the clicking doesn't do anything..
  10. Darkblader24

    Darkblader24 Phantasmal Quasar

    Ok, here is another version, this should work now. You don't have to craft the item again.

    Attached Files:

  11. AArticuno3

    AArticuno3 Big Damn Hero

    The tech console interface works when I left click, but no teleporter interface when I right click.
    Edit: Sorry for all this trouble :/
  12. TypicalStarbounder

    TypicalStarbounder Star Wrangler

    whats the item id? im stuck in the middle of space and think i could port to outpost and back so im in my ship again. please reply as soon as possible!

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