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RELEASED Print & Pack [Deleted]

Discussion in 'Furniture and Objects' started by EVILnudeMONKEY, Jan 31, 2014.

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  1. Soso4ek

    Soso4ek Void-Bound Voyager

    Can someone please give me an advice what to do - i have old version of this mod which wasnt called "pony" something, so i cant find it in mods folder, and when i add this one, character creation breakes.

    EVILnudeMONKEY Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    If that's the case, you will need to unpack the assets file into a new directory, delete the older mods, then repack with the mods removed. Then you install new mods by placing them in the mods folder as usual. Below is the most basic directions I can think to make for doing this, hopefully it helps.

    To unpack:
    - SHIFT + Rght Click \Staround\win32\ folder and select: 'open command window here'
    - copy paste this entire line of text below into the command line window that opens up, making sure to update the C:\Users\ pathway to your desired location

    asset_unpacker.exe "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Starbound\assets\packed.pak" "C:\Users\XUSER\Desktop\assets"

    - On your desktop locate the old mod's files and delete them
    - In the same command line window as before copy / paste the entire line below

    asset_packer.exe "C:\Users\XUSER\Desktop\assets" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Starbound\assets\packed.pak"

    This will have removed the old mods and restored the game files to what they were prior to the most recent update. The other option for solving this issue is to just backup your world and game saves in a second location and simply verify your game cache through steam and/or reinstall starbound. Good luck.
  3. Ramones_fan

    Ramones_fan Pangalactic Porcupine

    Please update to upbeat giraffe.

    EVILnudeMONKEY Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'm working on it... I have a lot of files to go through, but expect it in a few days.
    Faythe and Inny like this.

    EVILnudeMONKEY Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    EVILnudeMONKEY updated Pack & Print with a new update entry:

    Print & Pack Upbeat Giraffe Update

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  6. Ryoleon

    Ryoleon Void-Bound Voyager

    This is one of my favorite mods, I'm glad it got updated!!
    There is one thing though. I still have to test it with other items, i've only tested a few wallpapers so far but, they don't work properly. They place, and you can mine them back up, but they are invisible when placed in the world.
    EVILnudeMONKEY likes this.

    EVILnudeMONKEY Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Oh snap... Let me go check those and see if that's the case. If it is I'll do a quick patch on the download link and post here when its ready. Thanks for the heads up![DOUBLEPOST=1422748017][/DOUBLEPOST]
    Okay, Issue with wallpapers and platforms has been fixed. Just redownload the 3.0.rar file and you should be good to go. Thanks again for the heads up on the issue.
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2015
  8. superchicken1590

    superchicken1590 Void-Bound Voyager

    Is there a version that is available on Mac? (This version is a .rar which is not working, though the version before the 'upbeat giraffe update' did work)

    EVILnudeMONKEY Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Is it just the rar format that doesn't work for macs? I don't have a mac so I don't know how its mod filing system is different... does zip compression work on a mac?
  10. EVILnudeMONKEY

    EVILnudeMONKEY Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'll try and figure out what is going on with the night support block being invisible.[DOUBLEPOST=1422986455][/DOUBLEPOST]
    No issues found. Someone just made a bug report on an older version of the mod.
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2015
  11. ScreamingCommie

    ScreamingCommie Void-Bound Voyager

    Hey sorry bout the review, but I had to restart for it to show up.

    I'd change it but you already commented on it and now I can't

  12. EVILnudeMONKEY

    EVILnudeMONKEY Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    It's okay. I'd just hope in the future you don't post bug report reviews... people tend to low-ball review scores when they do and then it messes up averages. Hope you enjoy the mod!
  13. endlessmark

    endlessmark Phantasmal Quasar

    Found a bug with the gold bed whenever i sleep on it. Here are the codes on my log:
    [14:45:24.916] Error: Exception caught in client main-loop: (VariantException) No such key in Variant::get("stat")
      _Function_handler<void (shared_ptr<Entity>), WorldClient::update()::{lambda(shared_ptr<Entity>)#3}>::(_Any_data, shared_ptr<Entity>)
      EntityMap::forAllEntities(function<void (shared_ptr<Entity>)>)
  14. EVILnudeMONKEY

    EVILnudeMONKEY Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Thanks for that! Could you post/link me the rest of that log? I'll fix it and make sure the next update is corrected.
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2015
  15. endlessmark

    endlessmark Phantasmal Quasar

    Start logging at: 2015-02-09 16:35:52.165
    [16:35:52.165] Info: Star::Root using bootstrap file 'C:\Games\Steam\SteamApps\common\Starbound\win32\sbboot.config'
    [16:35:52.165] Info: Star::Root using storage directory 'C:\Games\Steam\SteamApps\common\Starbound\giraffe_storage\'
    [16:35:52.166] Info: Preparing Star::Root...
    [16:35:52.217] Warn: Mod ../giraffe_storage/mods\ysc.modpak detected as duplicate mod with name 'Your Starbound Crew', skipping
    [16:35:52.219] Info: Detected mod 'Yukari' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\Yukari\.'
    [16:35:52.219] Info: Detected mod 'Shadow-Casting Lights V0.4.1' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\Shadow-Casting Lights V0.4.1\.'
    [16:35:52.219] Info: Detected mod 'Print & Pack 3.0' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\printp.modpak'
    [16:35:52.219] Info: Detected mod 'PB+J' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\PB+J\.'
    [16:35:52.219] Info: Detected mod 'Pixel Goods Store' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\pgs.modpak'
    [16:35:52.219] Info: Detected mod 'Orpheus Mining Colony - human' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\Orpheus Colony Mod - human (RAM's edit)\.'
    [16:35:52.219] Info: Detected mod 'NovakidSpeechLines' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\nkspeech.modpak'
    [16:35:52.219] Info: Detected mod 'New Biome Music+ V0.2' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\New Biome Music+ V0.2\.'
    [16:35:52.219] Info: Detected mod 'MysteriousStarsv1.2' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\MysteriousStars-v1.2.modpak'
    [16:35:52.219] Info: Detected mod '[COLOREBOUND]' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\colorze.modpak'
    [16:35:52.219] Info: Detected mod 'Your Starbound Crew' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\YourStarboundCrew\.'
    [16:35:52.219] Info: Detected mod '[COLORBOUND]+' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\colorbp.modpak'
    [16:35:52.219] Info: Detected mod 'Item Broadcaster v1.3' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\Item Broadcaster v1.3 (UG)\.'
    [16:35:52.219] Info: Detected mod '[COLORBOUND]' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\colorb.modpak'
    [16:35:52.219] Info: Detected mod 'EnhancedStorage' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\EnhancedStorage\./EnhancedStorage.pak'
    [16:35:52.219] Info: Detected mod 'WaveDiver Luthier' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\wdl.modpak'
    [16:35:52.219] Info: Detected mod 'CompactCrops' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\ccrops.modpak'
    [16:35:52.219] Info: Detected mod 'UI Scaling' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\uiscale.modpak'
    [16:35:52.219] Info: Detected mod 'monsterpartmod' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\mpartp.modpak'
    [16:35:52.219] Info: Detected mod 'CreativeMode' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\CreativeMode\.'
    [16:35:52.219] Info: Detected mod 'Health Pack' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\HealthPack\.'
    [16:35:52.219] Info: Detected mod 'MedicalPotions' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\mpotions.modpak'
    [16:35:52.219] Info: Detected mod 'CompressorUpgrades' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\CompressorUpgrades\.'
    [16:35:52.219] Info: Detected mod 'zBees' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\bees.modpak'
    [16:35:52.219] Info: Detected mod 'Neko Race Mod' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\Neko Race Mod\.'
    [16:35:52.219] Info: Detected mod 'Better Doors' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\bdoors.modpak'
    [16:35:52.219] Info: Detected mod 'FurnitureRecycling' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\frecycle.modpak'
    [16:35:52.219] Info: Detected mod 'ACCM 1.3' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\accm.modpak'
    [16:35:52.219] Info: Detected mod 'Extended Songbook' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\esong.modpak'
    [16:35:52.219] Info: Detected mod 'Tiny Logic' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\wireoh.modpak'
    [16:35:52.219] Info: Detected mod 'Extended GUI' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\egui.modpak'
    [16:35:52.220] Info: Detected mod 'BloodMod' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\Blood Mod\.'
    [16:35:52.220] Info: Detected mod 'ExtraZoomLevels' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\ezooml.modpak'
    [16:35:52.220] Info: Detected mod 'NudityOverhaul' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\nudityo.modpak'
    [16:35:52.220] Info: Detected mod 'Mr. Foxer's Fancy Headgear Pack V1.4.9' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\hancyhat.modpak'
    [16:35:52.220] Info: Detected mod 'Hobo+JP' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\hobojp.modpak'
    [16:35:52.220] Info: Detected mod 'DayZ Hero Modpack' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\DayZ Hero Modpack\.'
    [16:35:52.220] Info: Detected mod 'MMOneHanded' at '../giraffe_storage/mods\MMOneHanded\.'
    [16:35:52.220] Info: Loading Configuration with config file: 'starbound.config'
    [16:35:52.220] Info: Loading Star::Configuration from 'Just (.\../giraffe_storage\starbound.config)'
    [16:35:52.361] Info: Writing Star::Configuration to '.\../giraffe_storage\starbound.config'
    [16:35:52.368] Info: Pre-loading Star::Root with 40 assets sources
    [16:35:52.368] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../assets/packed.pak'
    [16:35:52.368] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../assets/user'
    [16:35:52.368] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\Yukari\.'
    [16:35:52.368] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\Shadow-Casting Lights V0.4.1\.'
    [16:35:52.368] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\printp.modpak'
    [16:35:52.368] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\PB+J\.'
    [16:35:52.368] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\pgs.modpak'
    [16:35:52.369] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\Orpheus Colony Mod - human (RAM's edit)\.'
    [16:35:52.369] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\nkspeech.modpak'
    [16:35:52.369] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\New Biome Music+ V0.2\.'
    [16:35:52.369] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\MysteriousStars-v1.2.modpak'
    [16:35:52.370] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\colorze.modpak'
    [16:35:52.370] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\YourStarboundCrew\.'
    [16:35:52.370] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\colorbp.modpak'
    [16:35:52.370] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\Item Broadcaster v1.3 (UG)\.'
    [16:35:52.370] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\colorb.modpak'
    [16:35:52.371] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\EnhancedStorage\./EnhancedStorage.pak'
    [16:35:52.371] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\wdl.modpak'
    [16:35:52.371] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\ccrops.modpak'
    [16:35:52.372] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\uiscale.modpak'
    [16:35:52.372] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\mpartp.modpak'
    [16:35:52.372] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\CreativeMode\.'
    [16:35:52.372] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\HealthPack\.'
    [16:35:52.372] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\mpotions.modpak'
    [16:35:52.373] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\CompressorUpgrades\.'
    [16:35:52.373] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\bees.modpak'
    [16:35:52.373] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\Neko Race Mod\.'
    [16:35:52.373] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\bdoors.modpak'
    [16:35:52.373] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\frecycle.modpak'
    [16:35:52.374] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\accm.modpak'
    [16:35:52.374] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\esong.modpak'
    [16:35:52.374] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\wireoh.modpak'
    [16:35:52.375] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\egui.modpak'
    [16:35:52.375] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\Blood Mod\.'
    [16:35:52.375] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\ezooml.modpak'
    [16:35:52.375] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\nudityo.modpak'
    [16:35:52.376] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\hancyhat.modpak'
    [16:35:52.376] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\hobojp.modpak'
    [16:35:52.376] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\DayZ Hero Modpack\.'
    [16:35:52.376] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods\MMOneHanded\.'
    [16:35:52.831] Info: Done preparing Star::Root.
    [16:35:52.831] Info: Client version 'Beta v. Upbeat Giraffe - Update 2' Protocol: 666
    [16:35:52.831] Info: Initialized SDL
    [16:35:52.845] Info: Initialized SDL Video
    [16:35:52.850] Info: Initialized SDL Joystick
    [16:35:52.851] Info: Initialized SDL Sound
    [16:35:52.873] Info: Opened default audio device with 44khz / 16 bit stereo audio, 2048 sample size buffer
    [16:35:52.876] Info: Finishing loading Star::Root...
    [16:35:52.889] Info: Initializing SDL Window
    [16:35:54.468] Info: Created initial window 1920x1080
    [16:35:54.484] Info: Renderer initialized
    [16:35:54.485] Info: Renderer destroyed
    [16:35:54.485] Info: Initializing SDL Window
    [16:35:55.617] Info: Re-created window 1920x1080
    [16:35:55.643] Info: Renderer initialized
    [16:35:55.834] Info: Renderer destroyed
    [16:35:55.834] Info: Initializing SDL Window
    [16:35:57.042] Info: Re-created window 1920x1080
    [16:35:57.073] Info: Renderer initialized
    [16:35:57.344] Info: Writing Star::Configuration to '.\../giraffe_storage\starbound.config'
    [16:36:01.734] Error: Error loading object file /objects/wired/tabularasa/tabularasa.object: (VariantException) No such key in Variant::get("objectName")
      _Function_handler<void (), _Bind<ClientApplication::preSplashInitialization()::{lambda()#1} ()> >::(_Any_data)
    [16:36:01.736] Info: Renderer destroyed
    [16:36:01.736] Info: Initializing SDL Window
    [16:36:02.766] Info: Re-created window 1904x1041
    [16:36:02.797] Info: Renderer initialized
    [16:36:02.864] Info: Writing Star::Configuration to '.\../giraffe_storage\starbound.config'
    [16:36:07.162] Error: Could not load /items/armors/backitems/slimcape/slimcapebackicon.png asset, using placeholder default.
    (AssetException) No such asset '/items/armors/backitems/slimcape/slimcapebackicon.png'
    [16:36:13.014] Error: Could not instantiate item '[rabbitshot, 1, {}]'. (ProjectileDatabaseException) Unknown projectile with typeName kurousagi.
    [16:36:13.015] Error: Could not instantiate item '[rabbitshot, 1, {}]'. (ProjectileDatabaseException) Unknown projectile with typeName kurousagi.
    [16:36:13.905] Info: Done loading Star::Root.
    [16:36:13.918] Info: Renderer destroyed
    [16:36:17.186] Info: Creating default Star::Configuration
    [16:36:17.186] Info: Creating default Star::Configuration
    [16:36:17.215] Info: Renderer initialized
    [16:36:21.297] Info: Renderer destroyed
    [16:36:22.294] Info: Acquiring universe lock file
    [16:36:22.296] Info: Loading settings
    [16:36:22.297] Info: Finding starter world
    [16:36:22.299] Info: UniverseServer: Loading world db for world -68948754:-993241450:31989647:3:4
    [16:36:22.760] Info: UniverseServer: client connection made from local
    [16:36:22.994] Info: UniverseServer: Sending Handshake Challenge
    [16:36:22.999] Info: UniverseClient: Sending Handshake Response
    [16:36:23.015] Info: UniverseServer: Client 'Marisa' <1> (Fifo <0x22088508>) connected
    [16:36:23.021] Info: UniverseServer: Loading ship world received from client <User: Marisa>
    [16:36:23.419] Info: Creating default Star::Configuration
    [16:36:23.419] Info: Creating default Star::Configuration
    [16:36:23.480] Info: Renderer initialized
    [16:36:26.204] Info: UniverseServer: Loading world db for world 495174530:-262221853:-120642424:6
    [16:36:28.369] Warn: Object pixelcompressor4: "Interactable" object type is deprecated, and has been replaced by loungeable for beds and chairs, and by the base object class for all other uses.  Attempting to determine which one is appropriate.  Please update your config file, this fallback will be removed without further warning in a subsequent update.
    [16:36:32.810] Info: UniverseServer: Shutting down world CelestialWorld:-68948754:-993241450:31989647:3:4 due to inactivity
    [16:36:36.654] Info: UniverseServer: Shutting down world CelestialWorld:495174530:-262221853:-120642424:6 due to inactivity
    [16:36:41.460] Warn: Object pixelcompressor4: "Interactable" object type is deprecated, and has been replaced by loungeable for beds and chairs, and by the base object class for all other uses.  Attempting to determine which one is appropriate.  Please update your config file, this fallback will be removed without further warning in a subsequent update.
    [16:36:56.455] Error: Exception caught in client main-loop: (VariantException) No such key in Variant::get("stat")
      _Function_handler<void (shared_ptr<Entity>), WorldClient::update()::{lambda(shared_ptr<Entity>)#3}>::(_Any_data, shared_ptr<Entity>)
      EntityMap::forAllEntities(function<void (shared_ptr<Entity>)>)
    [16:36:56.547] Error: Exception caught in client main-loop: (VariantException) No such key in Variant::get("stat")
      _Function_handler<void (shared_ptr<Entity>), WorldClient::update()::{lambda(shared_ptr<Entity>)#3}>::(_Any_data, shared_ptr<Entity>)
      EntityMap::forAllEntities(function<void (shared_ptr<Entity>)>)
    [16:36:56.643] Error: Exception caught in client main-loop: (VariantException) No such key in Variant::get("stat")
      _Function_handler<void (shared_ptr<Entity>), WorldClient::update()::{lambda(shared_ptr<Entity>)#3}>::(_Any_data, shared_ptr<Entity>)
      EntityMap::forAllEntities(function<void (shared_ptr<Entity>)>)
    [16:36:56.731] Error: Exception caught in client main-loop: (VariantException) No such key in Variant::get("stat")
      _Function_handler<void (shared_ptr<Entity>), WorldClient::update()::{lambda(shared_ptr<Entity>)#3}>::(_Any_data, shared_ptr<Entity>)
      EntityMap::forAllEntities(function<void (shared_ptr<Entity>)>)
    [16:36:56.828] Error: Exception caught in client main-loop: (VariantException) No such key in Variant::get("stat")
      _Function_handler<void (shared_ptr<Entity>), WorldClient::update()::{lambda(shared_ptr<Entity>)#3}>::(_Any_data, shared_ptr<Entity>)
      EntityMap::forAllEntities(function<void (shared_ptr<Entity>)>)
    [16:36:56.839] Info: UniverseClient: Client disconnecting...
    [16:36:56.862] Info: Client received world stop packet, leaving: Removed
    [16:36:58.055] Info: UniverseServer: Client 'Marisa' <1> (Fifo <0x22088508>) disconnected
    [16:36:58.290] Info: NetSocket read loop shut down: (FifoClosedException) Fifo::read called on closed Fifo
    [16:36:58.291] Info: NetSocket read loop shut down: (FifoClosedException) Fifo::read called on closed Fifo
    [16:36:59.661] Info: Renderer destroyed
    [16:36:59.661] Info: Application quitting!
    [16:36:59.661] Info: Client shutdown gracefully
    [16:36:59.806] Info: Shutting down Star::Root
    Here you go :3

    the event was i log in to my ship and went straight to the gold bed
  16. EVILnudeMONKEY

    EVILnudeMONKEY Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Thanks for that full log! So, this is something that has already been fixed in 3.0 ... the .OBJECT files for the beds used to say "object type : interactable" but now they should all say "objecttype : loungeable". I would recommend re-downloading the 3.0 file to ensure that your mod is up to date. (About 24 hours after it's initial 3.0 release someone else mentioned this same error to me and I just updated those 6 .OBJECT files inside the .rar download without re-updating the entire mode.) I appreciate you posting the error on the discussion board though!
  17. endlessmark

    endlessmark Phantasmal Quasar

    yup it worked, i downloaded this mod from s3r1ous mod pack and it seems it wasn't updated to 3.0, but said it was. :p
  18. EVILnudeMONKEY

    EVILnudeMONKEY Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Glad it worked!
  19. chrisisism

    chrisisism Big Damn Hero

    Does this Mod work with the latest Starbound release? I'm playing on Mac and new to the starbound world but would love to get this Mod working for the storage space and cool signs.
  20. endlessmark

    endlessmark Phantasmal Quasar

    Yes this mod works with the latest Stable Upbeat giraffe Build for starbound :) try it out~
    chrisisism likes this.
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