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RELEASED Print & Pack [Deleted]

Discussion in 'Furniture and Objects' started by EVILnudeMONKEY, Jan 31, 2014.

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  1. Gallade785

    Gallade785 Yeah, You!

    As regarding that, to add storage lockers with evident presentation that lies in them. For example with the signs of sword, block of earth, lock etc. for example in this mod: http://community.playstarbound.com/index.php?resources/larger-lockers.1755/ but measuring in 1 or 4 blocks. Or for example to do storage lockers with an additional cell, at an apartment in that he or accepted texture, if it is a block, or if it is an object, then was presented as this object in a scope, as presented in any depository at opening this depository. I hope not foolish suggestion...

    EVILnudeMONKEY Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'm sorry, but I am really confused by what you wrote. Is this a suggestion for the mod? Can you try to explain your idea differently so I understand? Thanks!
  3. Gallade785

    Gallade785 Yeah, You!

    Perhaps it would sound much clearer in my language ... I'll try to divided into separate proposals. Yes, this is a proposal for a mod. I propose to add storage. Suggested that the appearance of the locker. As a basis suggest getting an idea of the mod http://community.playstarbound.com/index.php?resources/larger-lockers.1755/. Namely, what would it look like in the form of an animated hologram in frame.
    Also proposed to add another cell in the Locker. The main task of this cell will not necessarily to deposite items. When placed block in this cell, the locker takes texture of the block which stored in the cell. Or whatever Locker initially looked like a cell of storage, which can be seen when you open any chests. And when placed any object in this cell, the locker takes texture of the object which stored in the cell. ss+(2014-01-30+at+11.54.05) - копия.png ss+(2014-05-06+at+05.46.46) (1).jpg ss+(2014-05-06+at+05.46.46).jpg
    If it's stupid say, I deleted the messages.

    EVILnudeMONKEY Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Oh, I get what you're saying now! That's actually a really cool idea, the only problem I see is in the pixel size of the object you put in there vs the pixel size of the locker. If the object is larger than the size of the locker on the wall I don't know if how the game would scale the image object to the other size without it looking really blurry from resolution loss. A very neat idea, but my coding skills simply aren't good enough to tackle this. =0/
  5. Crisium

    Crisium Cosmic Narwhal

    I'm sure you know this but I thought I should shoot it out anyways. The tech stations don't seem to be working however they still look cool. I put one on-world so I couls use the 3D-printer thing and it would not do anything but wink at me, or what it telling my to go *!#@ myself not sure but I don't think it likes me Brah :-( everything else seem to be top-notch as always. And thank you for taking the time to update it, I've been using this mod since you first posted it and think it to be one of the best item mods out there. Go hard Brah an keep up the great works. Sorry about an please forgive my spelling & grimmer an what not.

    EVILnudeMONKEY Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Oh snap, thanks for the heads up! Is it just the 3D printers or was there anything else you noticed issues with as well? I'll try to get an update out for it by the weekend.
  7. Crisium

    Crisium Cosmic Narwhal

    I've not see anything other than that yet, however I've not really gotten that fare as I keep restarting and reworking a mod I'm kicking a round. But if I happen to see anything of note I'll shot it your way Brah, Keep up the great works.
  8. AndrewFM

    AndrewFM Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Thanks for the cool mod. Just a heads up, I noticed today that the colored teleporters seem to be bugged in the current version. They crash the client with the exception:
    (VariantException) Cannot call get with key on Variant type null, must be Map type
  9. lucheiah

    lucheiah Big Damn Hero

    This is going to sound like a silly question but how do I get rid of the original locker, captain's chair, fuel hatch etc in my ship so I can replace them with cool-looking ones from this modpack?[DOUBLEPOST=1425211350][/DOUBLEPOST]Also I've noticed a bug with the Night Door (not sure if it applies to other doors) where it sits off-centre and therefore can't be placed on a ship. Someone else may have already mentioned this; if so I apologise for repeating their message.
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2015
  10. Crisium

    Crisium Cosmic Narwhal

    You will need to get a mod that allows you to rebuild your ship, there are a few mods out that allows this. Look in the Mod ship link in the main mod page if you still cant find it let me know and Ill put a link to one.
    lucheiah likes this.
  11. EVILnudeMONKEY

    EVILnudeMONKEY Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Weird on the door bit, I just confirmed it as an issue. I'll have it fixed in the next update. Thanks for letting me know!
    lucheiah likes this.
  12. EVILnudeMONKEY

    EVILnudeMONKEY Scruffy Nerf-Herder

  13. Inny

    Inny Space Kumquat

    Looks like the download link still points to 3.0.
  14. Crisium

    Crisium Cosmic Narwhal

    Thanks for the update Brah.
    The downloads are a little off I'm all so getting Ver. 3.0 and the one below it says 2.8
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2015
  15. EVILnudeMONKEY

    EVILnudeMONKEY Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    You can also modify it yourself, this link has a guide on how to unpack the game assets...
    Modding Guide
    Once its unpacked you go to assets>ships>(species of your character)>and open the file labeled blockkey.config
    This file lists every object in your ship, you can just use CTRL+F to find the object you want to break and where it says "unbreakable" : true just change that true to false for anything you want to be able to take down.
    Please check the mod description for the updated link. This happens ALL THE TIME with chucklefish's forums... the links will not update so I have to list them manually. I always have an alternate direct link in the mod description top and bottom, as well as an archive of all the past versions at the very bottom.[DOUBLEPOST=1425265889][/DOUBLEPOST]
    Please check the mod description for the updated link. This happens ALL THE TIME with chucklefish's forums... the links will not update so I have to list them manually. I always have an alternate direct link in the mod description top and bottom, as well as an archive of all the past versions at the very bottom.
  16. Crisium

    Crisium Cosmic Narwhal

    Sorry about that Evil I must have over looked the link you have up on the overview page my bad Brah.
  17. lucheiah

    lucheiah Big Damn Hero

    Thanks, I'll do that :)
  18. EVILnudeMONKEY

    EVILnudeMONKEY Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    No worries. Glad you found it. I've been having that issue with the Download Now link for over a year. Sometimes it updates and other times it doesn't, but I always make sure I leave a few physical links in the mod page just in case. =0)
  19. Crisium

    Crisium Cosmic Narwhal

    There's a lot of modders having trouble with that from time to time. With the mods I go to, I see it is mostly bigger mods the have the most page traffic. But then I cant say I've been to each an every mod page and was like hay brah is you're upload/download link busnikerd up. :) It would be nice if the form powers that be would look into the matter at any rate :) until then I'll do my part complaining abouts it but never really helping the matter. :)
  20. Crisium

    Crisium Cosmic Narwhal

    Hiya Evil I just wanted to let you know that a lot of the doors have no sound, I just replace this line
    "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/tos-turboliftdoor.wav" ]
    with this one
    "animationCustom" : {
        "sounds" : {
          "open" : [ "/sfx/objects/tos-turboliftdoor.wav" ],
          "close" : [ "/sfx/objects/tos-turboliftdoor.wav" ]
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