The "complete" recipe lists are lame for 2 reasons. 1. Players can't invent stuff on their own. 2. Lists are finite. My suggestion is to add procedurally generated recipes. 1. It will allow nearly infinite customisation 2. Players will be able to share their combinations. Example on how will this look - here.
I kinda figured with procedurally generated resources that if I had the design for a wooden sword I could use basically any kind of wood to make the sword. IE: Wooden sword Requires 7 pieces of wood or 1 Hilt and 7 Additional Pieces of wood. Sections of the sword could be different based on randomization so holes or spikes could be on the sword randomly. Now just because the wooden sword says it requires 7 pieces of wood does not mean it needs 7 pieces of a specific wood to be made. I could throw in potentially any kind of wood I have to make the sword. Oak (red/white), Ash, Birch, Teak, Iron Wood (fantasy wood) could all be used. The sword could potentially show when generated different sections of the sword looking slightly different. Or is that what you meant by procedurally generated recipes?