So, for a little bit now I've been attempting to make some Power Gauntlets that fire projectiles when the punch, like the travelling swoosh from the Sword Alt , or perhaps some rockets and make it a RWBY gauntlet...but I have no idea what to do. I don't know where I can put in the ActionOnReap, because I can't find any original projectile. I know that there are some fantastic modders out there, so if anyone has any answers, I'd be super happy! ~Askedforit EDIT 1: The JSON is valid but the projectiles won't spawn. I've resorted to frankensteining with LUA and hoping for it to work.
As discussed here a few days ago Vanilla combofinishers do not spawn any projectiles, you'd have to create a custom one, with it's custom Lua script
Is there any way that I could make the original weapon fire an invisibleProjectile with TimeToLive: 0 and then ActionOnReap? I'm trying, but the JSON keeps invalidating itself...
Not entirely sure if this would work, but try using ActionOnReap when the "Swoosh" ends. As far as I know, I've tried numerous methods to spawn a projectile with gauntlets and they just can't do it. However, I did make some nice RWBY inspired gauntlets, although they don't spawn any projectiles. I can give you the /spawnitem code if you'd like. EDIT: After a quick look through the assets, it turns out that you're really limited in what you can do with fist weps, oh well...
You could theoretically just mimic the behavior with a normal melee weapon, like a shortsword, although you'd might have difficulty adding combo -> finisher behaviour.