PS4 trophy problem

Discussion in 'Support' started by Thraydyne, Oct 15, 2020.

  1. Thraydyne

    Thraydyne Void-Bound Voyager

    Finished the game on normal mode, 100% map completion, all trophies bar 3 of them, started the NG+ on nightmare, blasted through it in about 2 hours took the opposite final ending with the sandman/nightmare and I didn't get the final three trophies, I tried it again and blasted through the second NG+ in about 45 minutes but this time killing old nuvius twice for the first 2 endings and then the opposite final ending but still no trophies, is it a problem on the ps4, my account, the save or what, somewhat frustrated because I want the platinum seeing as I enjoyed the game loads
    • LunarRayGames

      LunarRayGames Developer

      Hey Thraydyne, sorry to hear that you're running into trouble!

      I don't believe you mentioned which specific Trophies you're missing. Can you list them here for me please?

      I'm going to assume that you're missing the
      Savior of Vilete or Savior of Winderia trophy. Those are unlocked by defeating the true final boss and are based on which Boss Option you took in the Lab (blue or pink). Did you make sure to take the opposite option
      in your second playthrough?
      • Thraydyne

        Thraydyne Void-Bound Voyager

        Yeah I'm missing the savior of vilete trophy, the nightmare mode trophy and the platinum.

        As I said before I went though the game on nightmare fairly quickly, only missing non-essential items, when I got to the timespinner with all the tuning gears I chose to go back and kill vol terilis on vilete, I did that, got sent to the ancient pyramid and subsequently killed the sandman/nightmare.

        I let all the credits and cut scenes roll past slowly but no trophies, I reloaded the save, exited after saving, restarted the ps4 and still no trophies, I then started a ng+ save again and blasted through it even quicker, again only missing the non-essentials and following the same process, still no trophies though.

        I was hoping that this could be resolved in some way, either by deleting the game and redownloading or going through the game again but doing it slightly differently.
        • LunarRayGames

          LunarRayGames Developer

          Hm, that is strange! One thing that could've caused it: Have you put in any passwords into your game?

          For example, SpeedrunAlpha and SpeedrunBeta codes both disable Trophies on any NG+ file you play- as that's how they operate.
          • Thraydyne

            Thraydyne Void-Bound Voyager

            I haven't no, will I have to make a new save then? If that will work then I'm more than happy to do that, I just dont want to do it and have the trophies not work again
            • LunarRayGames

              LunarRayGames Developer

              A new save is your best bet! I haven't heard of this particular issue happening to other people otherwise.

              Sorry again that you're running into this. Please let me know how it goes!
              • LunarRayGames

                LunarRayGames Developer

                You could also try beating Nightmare on Nightmare mode one more time with your first save. There's a chance it was PSN hiccup?
                • LunarRayGames

                  LunarRayGames Developer

                  It's also worth checking your Feats (Pause Menu -> Journal -> Feats) and see if you have unlocked the Feats there. If they ARE unlocked, then something went wrong on PSN's end.
                  • Thraydyne

                    Thraydyne Void-Bound Voyager

                    Thanks mate, I'll give a new save a go

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