Boss PST combat drone

Discussion in 'NPCs and Creatures' started by Deathskull, May 3, 2013.


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  1. Deathskull

    Deathskull Phantasmal Quasar

    The P(urple)S(piky)T(hings) are mysterious robots that have been found on several planets. These robots look like a jumbled mess of wires and spikes and have the strange ability to cause pain to those who attempt to damage them, many of those who discovered them had felt the urge to constantly ask those more experienced with exploration what these spikes objects were, and why they were hurt when they tried to destroy them. Others had even managed to kill themselves by repeatedly hammering away at these machines while their life drained away.

    Recently, these robots became active and began to attack anyone who wondered nearby, if you encounter one while exploring then it will attack you, too.

    They are mostly found with several corpses near them, the higher the planet level is the more corpses they will be surrounded by.

    These are minibosses that will become active when you come too close to them, they move by flying and can move through blocks, their attacks:

    Passive: Any time you damage it you will be sent flying backwards, this works in synergy with it's next attack.

    1: Sprays purple goo all over the place, this attack is always used at the start of the fight. This purple goo coats any block it hits and deals constant damage if you stand in it. After about a minute this goo wears off. It will use this attack again once it wears off or if you move too far away from the goo.

    2: It shoots slow moving balls of sludge at you which slow you down if they hit but don't hurt much.

    3: It blows wind towards you to try and push you into the goo, it's more likely to use this if you're slowed down by the sludge balls.

    4: It glows purple and makes itself invincible, any damage you deal to it will be done to you instead. Just before and during this attack an image of a sword with an x over it will appear over the boss.

    5: Charges at you to deal collision damage.

    6: Creates a swarm of nanobots which reanimate the corpses around it, they will move slowly towards players and grab on to them acting as a stronger version of the balls of sludge attack. When the corpses grab you they will try to direct you towards the purple goo which you can resist by moving in the opposite direction.

    Killing it could cause it to drop some pixels and an item that causes anything that deals damage to you to take a certain amount of that damage in return.
    yellowmonkeys likes this.

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