Purchasing options...

Discussion in 'W:R General Discussion' started by Zurgh, Apr 17, 2014.

  1. Zurgh

    Zurgh Void-Bound Voyager

    I'm curious if it is "better" to purchase games like this from the Steam store or the official game website? Is there any benefit to the consumer or developer in choosing one over the other?
    • Active Link

      Active Link Master Astronaut

      Iirc, Devs will get a larger portion of the money if you buy from the website.

      Edit: stupid typo fixed
      • Leth

        Leth Risk of Rain & Wanderlust

        We sell Steam keys through our direct site app so there's no difference to the consumer.

        During Sales Events (Summer Sale and Christmas Sale on Steam) we prefer customers to purchase through Steam. Though we get a lower % of revenue because of Steam Distribution royalties, the direct steam purchases can move our game up into the Top 100 sellers, which thereby will greatly increase total units sold.
          The | Suit likes this.
        • Zurgh

          Zurgh Void-Bound Voyager

          Cool, Thank you! I tend to buy multiple copy's of the same game during the steam sales to gift friends. Didn't know that it helps the developers out, too. Double bonus!
            Leth likes this.

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