Yeah, and SWTOR doesn't have bosses that require more than the max party no. to take down a boss. If it's an area that requires a certain no. of players, it'll say [Heroic x+] (where 2 ≤ x ≤4), and same with the bosses. They'll have recommended number of players to combat, and that won't exceed 4. Yeah, I was thinking of something similar earlier, where the boss would attack in ways that require other players to assist or run away. I was thinking it would do most of it's fighting floating on the surface, and a special attack was to grab a player and drag them under for a short amount of time (But enough so that they would run out of air for maybe two seconds). Pretty sure that won't happen. I know the respawn method is by cloning, but I'm not sure if you respawn on your ship or respawn and get beamed down to the landing zone of the planet you were on.
But remember, some But remember, some people want to only play multiplayer w/t their irl friends, (like me) and I don't think I can make friends w/t 15 people who play starbound just for one boss. Four to six? Okay. But 15 is too many. Remember, starbound is not an MMORPG.
Again, even if you just make a boss really hard to beat in singleplayer people will still do it, people will find out how to avoid the attacks and maximize damage in order to kill it There will be difficulty scaling in multiplayer, so a boss would probably be just as hard with 10 people as one. Also, the boss should lock it's room and prevent people from coming in until either the boss or all players die. If you can just respawn and come back in you can beat it just by using lame zerg tactics that take no skill. Also, this doesn't sound that hard at all, I've seen bosses in 2D platformers that are way harder than this and yet only in singleplayer games, this looks like your average stage2/3 boss (increase the stage number depending on how many there are and how easy it is to control your character). there really isn't anything stopping someone from soloing this boss.
It is supposed to be hard, and yes it probably should be around 2 - 4 players to make it a bit more easy. Also the PvE thing would ideally be for multiplayer, not singleplayer
can I just say Cone thing even though this game will be more fun to play in SMP but some people do not like SMP, do not have good inoff internet to, or want to play in SP as well as SMP. That said not every one, myself included, will want a boss that you can not solo even with the highest tier stuff. So in reality this might make a good mod boss I do not believe that the devs would add something like this sorry. I just made a suggestion on how the bosses should be harder dependent on how many people are fighting it.
Those who play MMOs do not always have a party of people to raid with, so they stead clear of the Heroic 2+ areas. Same could be said for this - if you don't have the manpower/ people to take on these bosses or environments, steer clear. I'll edit my post with some more stuff when I get home.
My next PvE boss idea will be coming soon enough! Be wary adventurers! This boss may need a full party to defeat! All will be revealed soon enough!
But if the boss dropped unique/ really good loot, and it takes 15 players to complete, then a lot of people will simply not be able to get that loot, thats why im saying it should be a lower number like 4.
I have an idea to fix the problem of respawning in the boss room. How about you can respawn and join the fight again, but the boss gaines some health when you die. That way you cant just zerg it.
Priancra Description Priancra is an omnipotent being that has multiple tentacles the come out and reproduce from its back. It has two eyes and also a hidden eye on its chest. It can be in different colour depending on its environment. Sometimes, when it is injured from battle, or needs to rest it will open a portal to its own dimension. There is a chance that other creatures can be sucked into this new dimension and will ultimately die. It always stays in the ruins which it was created. Its main methods of attack are its tentacles, psychic powers and also its eyes. They are used for multiple purposes. Attacks Stage 1 Stage 1 of the battle takes place in the ruins where the fight takes place. There is a second stage, but I'll get onto that later. For now, read on! Tentacle: Tentacle smash - Priancra uses its tentacles to smash players or the environment around it. If it hits the ground and players are within a certain range of the hit, they will not take damage but will be stunned for a little while. When it hits a player/players they will take damage but not be stunned. Tentacle whip - Priancra uses its tentacles to whip players. This method of attack flings back enemies and has a chance of stunning players. This attack is not used to attack, it is more often than not used for defence. This attack is not a very strong hence the reason why it is a defencive move Restrain - Prianca uses its tentacles to hold players and restrain them. Priancra holds the player for around 5 - 10 seconds and then throws them. While players are restrained by the tentacles, they will very slowly lose life. It is crucial that you have a decent amount of health otherwise this can kill a player that has low health Psychic Powers: Mind Control - Priancra uses its psychic powers to control the minds of players, which can do a variety of things. It can temporarily reverse the controls of the player, make the player inflict damage onto themselves and can possibly control the players themselves to do its biding. This attack comes up randomly and can attack a multitude of players at once, potentially all the players. Environmental control - Priancra can use its psychic powers to control the environment. It can use its powers to throw parts of the environment such as rubble, rocks etc. at the players. Depending on what hits them also depends on how much damage the player receives. The Eyes: Laser: At any range and at any time during the battle, anyone of Priancra's eyes will fire a laser. This will be fired very quickly for around 5 seconds. These can deal lots of damage to a player if they all hit so it is crucial that the player that is getting hit keeps moving. Focused Beam: All 3 of Priancra's eyes will focus on any random player and then fire at them for 5 seconds. This attack has the potential to kill any player so it is advised that players keep moving so the beam does not make contact with them. After the shot, Priancra will have to cool down for 3 seconds before attacking again. It is important that players use this time efficiently to drastically lower Priancra's health. Stage 2 The second stage of battle against Priancra will take place in its own dimension. The attacks that he uses on players are the same except they are twice as more powerful than the first stage of battle. Priancra will also slowly recover health at this stage. The second stage of battle initiates when Priancra's health is down to 20% of its starting health. The attacks that he uses are above this text. There isn't really that much to add since its pretty much the same but he fights in his own dimension, slowly recovers health and its attacks are twice as powerful. Drops Upon death, Priancra will drop many goods, including income/gold/money, some low tier gear and other items. (I don't know the full list of low tier items so you'll bear with me) Recommended group of players It is recommended that there is at least 4 - 6 (full party whatever number it may be) players to beat Priancra Also it is recommended that players have low - medium tier gear and items for the fight. Second PvE boss done Took longer than expected to actually do due to recent events (like 16 days ) Sorry I haven't posted in so long, I have been pretty busy. But anyway, here it is! Comment, like, follow, WHATEVER! (Constructive suggestions would be nice instead of flaming!)