These foul beasts were once the scourge of Goldoa. They were said to often terrorize villages and farms. Killing and eating livestock, burning crops and people. They often preyed on children either eating them on the spot or taking them to their layer and saving them for later. After slaying them became a fast track to being a hero and obtaining thane-ship the real hunt for them began. Their numbers drop to near zero til everyone thought they were gone. But now they are a rare beast known to exist and whom ever can bring the jewel from their necklace will receive the greatest rewards. For if they are not made extinct their numbers will surely rise and they will cleanse the planet of those who tried to end them. For my friend Dragonith and his Dragokights. Hope you like it.If you like me to change anything let me known.
Lol princess. asdfghjk it looks great! Thanks Nirn! The clothing feels a bit out of place however, considering the other wildlife on Goldoa are...well, naked lol. More of a beauty than a beast upon looking at it. If you don't mind, I'd like to alter the design a bit myself.
hmmm, not bad...But I thought it would be less girly, but Oh well maybe her rage mode would make her look like a monster...I don't know my old forum about my Zen'Rk would able fight her ...he ain't fire proof but he is really powerful in some point and tanky. I see the liking, any infomation where she came from or is she really organic creature that is born in the soil, lava or sea? Noticed: I discover they must threw away my old NPC boss thread just today
would it be possible I dont know to breed them because imagein this you have an enemy but he's really popular so to get rid of him you sneak Pyre colony onto his planet so you would feed them transport them possibly should it be possible to get a baby pyre or possibly make a deal with a colony otherwise great idea
Actually they are based off Aku from Samurai Jack she originally had much broader shoulders.. But yes i do see the similarities between her and flame princess.
Yeah I think it is cause the dress, the colors on them are too light, i should of done like an metal/rock dress instead.
This would be a good boss for a volcanic planet. It would be good to have this considering I havent seen a lot of bosses in this game
OMG NECRO THREAD!...yea I wish this thing is in the game...hmmm....I wonder I can take her out for date...*sound adventure time and picture of Fin and flame princess* oh crude...