Suggestion QoL Suggestion - Click tile to confirm action

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Henduluin, Feb 1, 2019.

  1. Henduluin

    Henduluin Space Hobo

    Hey there,
    First of all, congrats on the launch!

    Only a few missions in, obviously, but the game so far feels really good.
    One small thing that's bugging me a bit when using the mouse, however, is that I need to select the action I want to perform after moving from a pop-up menu.

    To me it would make sense that if I were to click the tile I was moving to, or trying to attack, a second time that would count as a confirmation. I can already right-click to cancel and click on a building/unit to move+attack in one action, so having to move my mouse a little bit to the side to select an option from the pop-up feels a bit clunky.

    Again, very minor nitpick, but I would love to see that patched in at one point.

    Thanks, and looking forward to seeing everything the game (and later on the community!) has to offer~
    • SleepySquidd

      SleepySquidd Tragically Magic Hands

      Moved to the suggestions subforum :)

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