Question on time: Multiplayer

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by darkshaed, Feb 19, 2013.

  1. darkshaed

    darkshaed Void-Bound Voyager

    Sorry if this question has been addressed previously, I looked and couldn't find anything covering this.

    How will time be managed in multiplayer? What I'm talking about is in HM you end the day by sleeping. This ends the day and also replenishes the player's energy and allows for changes in weather to trigger. (sorry for comparing it to HM) So in a 4 player coop game with everyone doing their own thing it would be impossible for the sleep mechanism to work unless it forces everyone to sleep. Will time run in a linear fashion or will there be a set time, say 2am, where it forces the players to go to bed and start the new day? (HM game mechanic) Or will you have it where if all players are in bed at the same time it kicks the sleep mechanics in?

    Is there even a sleep mechanic for that matter?
    • djchrisblue

      djchrisblue Phantasmal Quasar

      You might e interested in this thread which discussed what you are talking about:

      Also, this thread from the original boards wherein CA talks about some options for time (which haven't been finalized):

      As far as I understand, I've seen no sleeping mechanics mentioned yet, although CA has written about how sleeping will work with marriage candidates/relationships, so we know the sleeping is in the game.

      • Hollow

        Hollow Phantasmal Quasar

        Maybe sleeping should just work based around the server host. If they go to sleep, the day ends for everyone. If they pass out or hit 0 HP, the day ends for everyone.

        In single player time passes at a rate of 5 seconds per 10 minutes while outdoors, freezes while you're talking to NPCs, freezes when you're in NPC homes / buildings and slows down when you're in the mines or traveling.

        In multiplayer time passes at a flat rate of 10 seconds per 10 minutes, regardless of who is where or doing what.

        Time is going to be pretty difficult to manage in a multiplayer game, I really hope singleplayer time management isn't designed with multiplayer in mind, forcing us to constantly be in a hurry no matter what we're doing, even if it's chatting with NPCs or shopping at the market.
        • darkshaed

          darkshaed Void-Bound Voyager

          yeah, after reading all this it seems time is a hard thing to manage, maybe an option for consideration on a server where players are playing co-op on one big farm time could scale relative to how many players are on. For example when 4 people are on time could flow faster say 10 seconds per 10 minutes, and when there is only 1 player it could flow 10 seconds per 2.5 minutes, and if no players are on time could freeze. That way players could have enough time to do whatever they need to do whether their entire group is on or playing by themselves.
          • oath2order

            oath2order Parsec Taste Tester

            I say, make it so that everybody has to go to sleep in that case to make the day end.

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