Questions about greenhouses

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by natelovesyou, Mar 2, 2016.

  1. natelovesyou

    natelovesyou Oxygen Tank

    Hey there. The wiki has very little info about the greenhouse, so I have some questions. Is it only a single reward ever after finishing certain bundles? (avoiding spoilers) Can I have more than one built ever? It seems reasonable that I could, even if they were insanely pricey, perhaps.

    I have an even bigger question, though: I was just awarded 30 Quality Fertilizer and would hate to waste it since it disappears between seasons. Since crops grow year-round in the greenhouse, does anyone know with absolute surety from experience that the fertilizer remains year-round as well?

    Thanks. :)
    • Grabarz

      Grabarz Void-Bound Voyager

      go at your farm ( left side ) do you see that ruined building near the cave ? yep its a greenhouse once you finish the bundle tree you will get it

      about fertilizer well i always though that item is for 1 season of growing so when you cut down your potatoes fertilizer disappear too

      sorry for my English i know it's terrible
      • Maiden's Tear

        Maiden's Tear Pangalactic Porcupine

        Fertilzer vanishes with seasons same as crops outside but with multiple harvest stuff will basically live forever :p
        Is a single one that is a ruined building and such just being repaired. Honestly I think multiple greenhouses might be a bit overpowered since mine is already producing the most crazy crops possible with a seed maker I placed inside (ancient and rare seeds).
        • natelovesyou

          natelovesyou Oxygen Tank

          Okay, so you only get one. But I'm still not totally clear about fertilizer. I'm fully aware of how it works OUT of the greenhouse, but since the crops persist between seasons so does the fertilizer, right? I want to know from someone who has experienced having fertilizer last across seasons inside the greenhouse, not guesses haha.

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