Questions and theories about possible Stardew Lore.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Relenanator, Aug 5, 2016.

  1. Relenanator

    Relenanator Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Since I started playing Stardew Valley there have been a lot of questions plaguing me about the games universe. So, I thought I would list them here to see if anyone had any theory's about them.

    1) How common knowledge do you think Magic and Monsters are in this world?
    2) If I remember correctly, Stardew Valley and Zuzu City are in a Kingdom right? How do you suppose a modern country/city/whatever can coexists within a Monarchy system.
    3) Speaking of a Monarchy system - how much of a monarchy do you suppose this country has? (Some Monarchy's are more Democratized then others)
    4) Who exactly is the country at war with? Are they other humans or are they monsters?
    5) What are they fighting over? Land, resources, religion, what could it be?
    6) Why isn't there a school in Stardew Valley?
    7) Why can't I marry the Wizard :lod::oops:

    This is what I have so far but I may have more questions in the future
    • DarkOmegaMK2

      DarkOmegaMK2 Pangalactic Porcupine

      1) How common knowledge do you think Magic and Monsters are in this world?
      Monsters are common knowledge, but a small annoyance at best or a sport for some people. Magic on the other hand, seems to be more of a folk tale kind of deal, people know magic exists, but only the wizards knows the extent of it.

      2) If I remember correctly, Stardew Valley and Zuzu City are in a Kingdom right? How do you suppose a modern country/city/whatever can coexists within a Monarchy system.
      As far as i remember, it is never told that stardew valley and Zuzu city form part of a "kingdom", they could as well be a "republic" or a "country", we only know that there is an "Empire" that is at war with "us".

      3) Speaking of a Monarchy system - how much of a monarchy do you suppose this country has? (Some Monarchy's are more Democratized then others)
      No idea.

      4) Who exactly is the country at war with? Are they other humans or are they monsters?
      "Our" country is at war with the Gotoro Empire, that is as far as we know, but given that both Dwarves and Shadow People (who were the superior races in older times) are almost non existent, i suppose thE Gotoro Empire is a human empire.

      5) What are they fighting over? Land, resources, religion, what could it be?
      No idea.

      6) Why isn't there a school in Stardew Valley?
      Because Lewis is an idiot...

      7) Why can't I marry the Wizard :lod::oops:
      Because CA hates you.
      • Relenanator

        Relenanator Scruffy Nerf-Herder

        So no theories about any of these?
        Except for the last one of course.
        • LuthienNightwolf

          LuthienNightwolf Oxygen Tank

          For number 7 though, you might check out Siv's Marriage Mod, it lets you marry any one of several of the villagers not available in the vanilla game - including the wizard. ;D
          • DarkOmegaMK2

            DarkOmegaMK2 Pangalactic Porcupine

            Well, for the Gotoro Empire we literally know nothing about it other than they are apparently very powerful considering some events will mention that "our" soldiers are going down by the dozens and that some woman riding on a pig caravan smuggles illegal prohibition alcohol out of the Empire (by prohibition alcohol i mean random items).

            For what they could be fighting for? The most logical thing is land, but for all i know they could be fighting for the holy grail or the dark secrets of Jas or a wet fish.
            • MagicallyClueless

              MagicallyClueless Master Astronaut

              Stardew Valley and Zuzu City are both part of a "region" but nothing else has been specified other than, what the above said, about a war and the Gotoro empire against (presumably) the region.

              Another cool tidbit I learned that I like:
              The ocean that you see in SDV is called the Gem Sea. Marriage + proposals are often ocean-related and each part of the region has different ways of going about proposal. The mermaid pendant is most likely unique to Stardew Valley. <:
                ChaosAzeroth and Jaed like this.
              • DarkOmegaMK2

                DarkOmegaMK2 Pangalactic Porcupine

                Now that you mention that, personally i would like the whole marriage cutscene a million times more if it took place on the beach instead of the town square, but i guess that's just me.
                  MagicallyClueless likes this.
                • LuthienNightwolf

                  LuthienNightwolf Oxygen Tank

                  I kinda wish we could choose the location of our wedding. I want a Secret Woods wedding. @^@'

                  I would also love some romantic and tragic story to explain the significance of the Mermaid's Pendant, and why it's used to ask for someone's hand in marriage instead of the traditional ring. I can almost come up with something but my brain doesn't quite wanna wrap itself around that concept. >u<
                    MagicallyClueless likes this.
                  • Relenanator

                    Relenanator Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                    I'm a little afraid to get a mod that changes the game that much. I don't want it to break.
                    • Minimanta

                      Minimanta Spaceman Spiff

                      It's a republic, not a monarchy isn't it? Ferngill Republic, right?
                      But modern countries can have monarchies, plenty European countries are still kingdoms. The royalty is mainly just for official show nowadays though, they don't actually rule anymore.

                      And about the school, it's just too small. Not enough kids.
                        Corraidhín and DarkOmegaMK2 like this.
                      • Relenanator

                        Relenanator Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                        Where did you get Ferngill Republic from? Does Kent mention it in some dialogue?
                        • Minimanta

                          Minimanta Spaceman Spiff

                          Uh, that's a good question. I don't actually remember who mentions it. I just know the name stuck and it's in the wiki too.

                          There's probably a library book about it somewhere.
                          • DarkOmegaMK2

                            DarkOmegaMK2 Pangalactic Porcupine

                            Now here's another bit of questioning:

                            -Who or what kind of person do you guys think lived previously in Pierre's house that felt the need and also was wealthy enough to have a completely golden room dedicated exclusively to Yoba? Also, keep in mind that Pierre and Caroline allow access to everyone into the altar room, but i have to assume that the previous owner had the altar all for himself. For some reason he needed a place devoted for prayer... in complete privacy...
                            • Relenanator

                              Relenanator Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                              I know I'm going to sound like an anal retentive jerk but it always bothered the hell out of me that the church and that room that everyone uses like a community center, are connected (especially when the town already has a community center). I really would have loved to see a cute little church of Yoba. It would have filled out the town a lot more and maybe we could have even had specific quests dealing with those areas.

                              Anyway, bitching aside, It's possible that enough people in the town wanted a church and Lewis simply took money out of the taxes to build one. Why he decided to renovate it out of someone's home though is beyond me.
                              • DarkOmegaMK2

                                DarkOmegaMK2 Pangalactic Porcupine

                                You're not the only one. Pierre's house is more of a community center than THE community center:
                                -Everyone visits Pierre's House for reasons other than shopping. (Aerobics, praying.)
                                -It's a more accessible location to get to being on the center of the town.

                                The problem with the community center is that it lacks substance, i mean, the building is there, it's furnished, it's been remodeled and yet you can't use anything inside of it, everything is just flavor text, and even then there's barely a reaction from NPCs. I would be cool if we:
                                -Could use the kitchen to cook, like in the farmhouse.
                                -Could have the option to take a second quest from the community center bulletin board.
                                -Could store money inside the gigantic vault as a sort of donation and that it could somehow impact on festivals and whatnot.

                                I guess i'm just ranting as well... I'm sorry.
                                  Chisami and ChaosAzeroth like this.
                                • MagicallyClueless

                                  MagicallyClueless Master Astronaut

                                  I think the Yoba altar was made by previous owners rather than by Lewis, so that could explain it. I'd love some renovation done that makes a little church house instead, because those are very cute and it does help the town feel more alive.

                                  There is a disturbing amount of absences in the town. Have you ever thought if there was a huge criminal lurking about in Pelican Town? Who arrests them? Does the Adventurer's Guild double as a Bounty Hunting place?
                                  • Minimanta

                                    Minimanta Spaceman Spiff

                                    I'm assuming cops from a nearby city (probably Zuzu) would come and get the criminals if necessary.
                                    I grew up near a small town significantly bigger than Pelican Town (about 1500 inhabitants) without its own police force. It wouldn't really make sense to have a police station or a jail/prison in such a small community.

                                    And I'm guessing a priest or something like that lived in Pierre's hourse before he and Caroline moved in. Caroline only says it was the previous owner who built the altar, but no one ever mentions who or how many used it. I can only imagine it was a semi public place like it is now.
                                    • Relenanator

                                      Relenanator Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                      So, I just learned that their are actual mermaids in this universe. I want a cut seance/quest that involves them so badly.

                                      On topic; The mouse that sells hats in the abandon house - Do you think he/she is a magical creature?
                                      Maybe they're like the dowarfs and shadow brute and live in secret? Or perhaps are their some tribes of anthropomorphic animal creatures that live along with humans.
                                        Last edited: Aug 6, 2016
                                      • Corraidhín

                                        Corraidhín Supernova

                                        I want to live there :c like during winter... all that farmland is not as useful! why not move house then? Heh I guess thats not really an option since its the still-abandoned community center. Oooh... a cottage to a Harvest Moon style.

                                        Also is anyone else bothered that JoJa and Yoba are so similarly named? what is Joja then? some sort of hypocritical cash-driven business that may/may not be very similar to the Batican? Jk ofc, those two are totally unrelated.
                                        • Chisami

                                          Chisami Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                          Love these ideas! I never go to the community center, it actually kind of annoys me sometimes because I'm not used to the new NPC routes and it's more annoying to get to say, Evelynn and Robin... With no gain. Even simple things like cleaning up the beach and sewer, fixing fences, Pam's yard (though now, I've modded them out...) would be awesome to fix with some community center quests/donation pool tiers!

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