Digital Quilavabom's Dabblings in Art

Discussion in 'Fan Art' started by Quilavabom, Jul 31, 2014.

  1. Phlosioneer

    Phlosioneer Pangalactic Porcupine

    Nice job!

    *well. Turning out really well.
  2. rhomboid

    rhomboid 0118 999 881 99 9119 725... 3

    No. The highlights are literally saving the universe right now. The highlights are Superman.
  3. CrystalBound

    CrystalBound Void-Bound Voyager

    Holy Nuggets... I just realized. The kineptic's powers and ( maybe appearance) are VERY similar to my char's. He has crystals embedded into his palms which have matter manipulator tech, which he can use to control crystals, and can also extract the energy pool from a crystalline structure and use it too. Like telekinesis. ((I roleplay at GC. I'm not giving the name because people will think i'm advertizing.))
  4. Quilavabom

    Quilavabom Oxygen Tank

    Alright, this isn't starbound-related, but it turned out pretty good for only 2 1/2 hours. It was a birthday present for a long-time friend of mine. Shading is still giving me trouble, as I am still a shading n00b.
    @rhomboid , I made sure to have a few highlights this time to make sure the world doesn't fall into complete and utter chaos. And by "a few" I mean "Two on the single eye."
    L3W, Seajun_, rhomboid and 3 others like this.
  5. Feathery Dust

    Feathery Dust Spaceman Spiff

    This looks awesome!
    I don't think anyone out there would mind it not being Starbound related ^^;
  6. Phlosioneer

    Phlosioneer Pangalactic Porcupine

    Feathery Dust likes this.
  7. rhomboid

    rhomboid 0118 999 881 99 9119 725... 3

    The eye is indeed very shiny-looking!
    Quilavabom likes this.
  8. Feathery Dust

    Feathery Dust Spaceman Spiff

    Which always adds to the adorableness of things, so yay.
    Quilavabom and rhomboid like this.
  9. I don't even know how to respond besides "Glaceon is the best"
    "This is Glaceon"
    "Therefore this is the best"
    Quilavabom and rhomboid like this.
  10. rhomboid

    rhomboid 0118 999 881 99 9119 725... 3

    the logic checks out
  11. Quilavabom

    Quilavabom Oxygen Tank

    Guys, I'm at it again and I think there's a slight chance I'm getting better with this whole "shading" thing.


    It's mostly just experimentation at this point. In some places it works, in other places it doesn't. So be it X3
  12. Intrebute

    Intrebute Pangalactic Porcupine

    That face

    that face

    Icebelly and Quilavabom like this.
  13. rhomboid

    rhomboid 0118 999 881 99 9119 725... 3


    Last edited: Nov 24, 2014
    Phlosioneer and Quilavabom like this.
  14. Quilavabom

    Quilavabom Oxygen Tank

    I drew moar! This time it's a female kineptic:


    I will get a hang of this shading thing one day.
  15. Quilavabom

    Quilavabom Oxygen Tank

    "It looks better than having no shading whatsoever!"
    "People who can't shade probably won't see the screw ups!"
    "It's going to make people who can shade cringe."
    "OCD people who can shade are going to send assassins after you."


    ^ is not afraid of assassins
  16. rhomboid

    rhomboid 0118 999 881 99 9119 725... 3

    Looking good! My advice is don't be afraid to use high contrast in your shading!
  17. The-Wolfster

    The-Wolfster Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    There's quite a lot of art here. I'm generally impressed with the amount of content in here. The kineptic look damn cute, especially in your art style.
    Quilavabom and Cup o' Tea like this.
  18. Quilavabom

    Quilavabom Oxygen Tank

    Je peux le voir beaucoup mieux maintenant ! Je voudrais pouvoir tirer les cheveux bien. Je ne peux jamais l'endroit où les cheveux se divise pour regarder à droite . Il finit toujours par ressembler à un mauvais jour de cheveux . Les faits saillants sur les yeux sont fantastiques !

    (I can see it much better now! I wish I could draw hair that well. I can never get the place where the hair splits to look right. It always ends up looking like a bad hair day. The highlights on the eyes are fantastic!)
  19. Barras12

    Barras12 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Je Pense Que je vais faire un dessin non mon personnage Qui regarde un cristal de kyneptic
  20. Quilavabom

    Quilavabom Oxygen Tank

    That's cute! Keep in mind though, that this is my art thread. It's where my art goes >w<

    Speakin'a which, I know you've seen this, but other people perusing the thread may not have:


    Not digital, but still. One of my better things I think.
    Calabrese, rhomboid, L3W and 2 others like this.

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