Modding Help Race Creation Questions

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by TheRealRunem, Feb 9, 2019.

  1. TheRealRunem

    TheRealRunem Space Spelunker

    Hi all!

    So I'm dabbling with my first race mod, and I've been using Skittles's Race Template as a starting point. Now the main question I want to put forward is how one would get the body colour to affect the hair colour as happens with the Novakids? Secondly, do the Undy Colour overrides affect the arms and head as well?

    I might have more questions later but at this point these are the two that I need the most urgent answers to. Thanks in advance :3
  2. DrPvtSkittles

    DrPvtSkittles Master Astronaut

      "kind" : "novakid",
      "charCreationTooltip" : {
          "title" : "Novakid",
          "subTitle" : "CH4",
          "description" : "The Novakids are a mysterious race of 'interstellar gas-bag people'. They have no charted settlements and no documented history. They're volatile beings, untroubled by the past. No one knows what they're made of, much less where they came from."
      "statusEffects" : [ "novakidglow" ],
      "humanoidOverrides" : {
        "bodyFullbright" : true
      "nameGen" : [ "/species/novakidnamegen.config:names", "/species/novakidnamegen.config:names" ],
      "ouchNoises" : [ "/sfx/humanoid/novakidhurt_male2.ogg", "/sfx/humanoid/novakidhurt_female2.ogg" ],
      "charGenTextLabels" : [ "Gas colour", "Hair style", "Shirt", "Legwear", "", "Brand", "Shirt colour", "Legwear colour", "NOVAKID", "Personality" ],
      "skull" : "/humanoid/novakid/dead.png",
      "effectDirectives" : "?replace=FEFFFFFF=FFFFFFFF?replace=9bd4ffFF=ff99e6FF?replace=31a6ffFF=e359b9FF",
      "defaultBlueprints" : {
        "tier1" : [
    // Empty Hands
          { "item" : "flagnovakid" },
    // Anvil
          { "item" : "novatier1head" },
          { "item" : "novatier1chest" },
          { "item" : "novatier1pants" },
          { "item" : "novatier2head" },
          { "item" : "novatier2chest" },
          { "item" : "novatier2pants" },
          { "item" : "ironrevolver" },
          { "item" : "ironassaultrifle" },
          { "item" : "tungstenmagnum" },
          { "item" : "tungstenshotgun" },
    // Anvil2
          { "item" : "novatier3head" },
          { "item" : "novatier3chest" },
          { "item" : "novatier3pants" },
          { "item" : "novatier4head" },
          { "item" : "novatier4chest" },
          { "item" : "novatier4pants" },
          { "item" : "titaniummachinepistol" },
          { "item" : "titaniumsniperrifle" },
          { "item" : "durasteelrevolver" },
          { "item" : "durasteelassaultrifle" },
    // Anvil3
          { "item" : "novatier5ahead" },
          { "item" : "novatier5achest" },
          { "item" : "novatier5apants" },
          { "item" : "novatier6ahead" },
          { "item" : "novatier6achest" },
          { "item" : "novatier6apants" },
          { "item" : "novatier5mhead" },
          { "item" : "novatier5mchest" },
          { "item" : "novatier5mpants" },
          { "item" : "novatier6mhead" },
          { "item" : "novatier6mchest" },
          { "item" : "novatier6mpants" },
          { "item" : "novatier5shead" },
          { "item" : "novatier5schest" },
          { "item" : "novatier5spants" },
          { "item" : "novatier6shead" },
          { "item" : "novatier6schest" },
          { "item" : "novatier6spants" },
          { "item" : "aegisaltpistol" },
          { "item" : "aegisaltbow" },
          { "item" : "feroziumwand" },
          { "item" : "feroziumstaff" },
          { "item" : "violiumshortsword" },
          { "item" : "violiumbroadsword" },
    // Furniture Table 2
          { "item" : "novakidstoragelocker" },
          { "item" : "novakidshipdoor" },
          { "item" : "novakidshiphatch" },
    // Spinning Wheel
          { "item" : "novakidfancychest" },
          { "item" : "novakidfancypants" },
          { "item" : "novakidjacket" },
          { "item" : "novakidjacketpants" },
          { "item" : "novakidsuspenders" },
          { "item" : "novakidsuspenderspants" },
          { "item" : "novakidwaistcoat" },
          { "item" : "novakidblackpants" }
      "headOptionAsFacialhair" : true,
      "altOptionAsUndyColor" : true,
      "genders" : [
          "name" : "male",
          "image" : "/interface/title/male.png",
          "characterImage" : "/interface/title/novakidmale.png",
          "hair" : [ "male0", "male1", "male2", "male3", "male4", "male5", "male6", "male7", "male8", "male9", "male10", "male11", "male12", "male13", "male14", "male15", "male16", "male17", "male18", "male19" ],
          "shirt" : [ "novakidsuspenders", "novakidjacket", "novakidwaistcoat", "novakidfancychest" ],
          "pants" : [ "novakidsuspenderspants", "novakidjacketpants", "novakidblackpants", "novakidfancypants" ],
          "facialHairGroup" : "brand",
          "facialHair" : [ "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19" ],
          "facialMaskGroup" : "",
          "facialMask" : [ ]
          "name" : "female",
          "image" : "/interface/title/female.png",
          "characterImage" : "/interface/title/novakidfemale.png",
          "hair" : [ "fem0", "fem1", "fem2", "fem3", "fem4", "fem5", "fem6", "fem7", "fem8", "fem9", "fem10", "fem11", "fem12", "fem13", "fem14", "fem15", "fem16", "fem17", "fem18", "fem19" ],
          "shirt" : [ "novakidsuspenders", "novakidjacket", "novakidwaistcoat", "novakidfancychest" ],
          "pants" : [ "novakidsuspenderspants", "novakidjacketpants", "novakidblackpants", "novakidfancypants" ],
          "facialHairGroup" : "brand",
          "facialHair" : [ "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19" ],
          "facialMaskGroup" : "",
          "facialMask" : [ ]
      "bodyColor" : [
        // Yellow
        { "fff8b5" : "fff8b5", "fde03f" : "fde03f", "f6b919" : "f6b919", "806319" : "352b12" },
        // Orange
        { "fff8b5" : "ffedc4", "fde03f" : "feb05c", "f6b919" : "fa8131", "806319" : "40110a" },
        // Red
        { "fff8b5" : "ffe2c9", "fde03f" : "fe9875", "f6b919" : "ef5443", "806319" : "4f160d" },
        // Pinky
        { "fff8b5" : "fee5ff", "fde03f" : "f6bbf9", "f6b919" : "f57afc", "806319" : "4c2153" },
        // Purple
        { "fff8b5" : "fedbff", "fde03f" : "da89f7", "f6b919" : "ae38f1", "806319" : "340e52" },
        // Blue
        { "fff8b5" : "c7feff", "fde03f" : "56ebf8", "f6b919" : "12c2e8", "806319" : "0c2b4b" },
        // Sea Green
        { "fff8b5" : "c3fffc", "fde03f" : "4df4df", "f6b919" : "0cd6b8", "806319" : "0c482d" },
        // Green
        { "fff8b5" : "c7ffdc", "fde03f" : "63f574", "f6b919" : "17dc0d", "806319" : "0d500f" },
        // Yellow Green
        { "fff8b5" : "fffdae", "fde03f" : "c9f236", "f6b919" : "8ae100", "806319" : "2d510d" },
        // "White/PaleBlue
        { "fff8b5" : "deffff", "fde03f" : "a2dbdb", "f6b919" : "6ea2a9", "806319" : "222d33" }
      "undyColor" : [
        { "f32200" : "FFDCC4", "dc1f00" : "FFB98F", "be1b00" : "C1695F", "951500" : "7E3F38" },
        { "f32200" : "FFFFE7", "dc1f00" : "FFE48E", "be1b00" : "C1AA5C", "951500" : "7C7135" },
        { "f32200" : "F6F0D3", "dc1f00" : "DAD39B", "be1b00" : "A7A270", "951500" : "6B6B47" },
        { "f32200" : "FFFFE0", "dc1f00" : "E7EFA1", "be1b00" : "ABB573", "951500" : "697447" },
        { "f32200" : "EEFFDC", "dc1f00" : "B1E994", "be1b00" : "7CAD69", "951500" : "4F7B43" },
        { "f32200" : "C7DEBC", "dc1f00" : "90BC80", "be1b00" : "648B5A", "951500" : "3A5D35" },
        { "f32200" : "DAFFE5", "dc1f00" : "97ECB0", "be1b00" : "6BB383", "951500" : "417356" },
        { "f32200" : "DBFFFE", "dc1f00" : "99EEDB", "be1b00" : "6DB4A9", "951500" : "427470" },
        { "f32200" : "D4FDFF", "dc1f00" : "85CCF5", "be1b00" : "558DB2", "951500" : "36627C" },
        { "f32200" : "D0D0FF", "dc1f00" : "9290F8", "be1b00" : "6060A9", "951500" : "43396B" },
        { "f32200" : "FFD1FF", "dc1f00" : "D191DE", "be1b00" : "95629C", "951500" : "603B61" },
        { "f32200" : "FFF4FF", "dc1f00" : "FFCDEA", "be1b00" : "E19CC4", "951500" : "B8739B" },
        { "f32200" : "FFFAF6", "dc1f00" : "FBD5CF", "be1b00" : "D9A49E", "951500" : "B07B74" },
        { "f32200" : "CECBC2", "dc1f00" : "A89B89", "be1b00" : "74665A", "951500" : "463D34" },
        { "f32200" : "B4B3AD", "dc1f00" : "8A897A", "be1b00" : "4E4F42", "951500" : "2C2915" },
        { "f32200" : "FFFFFF", "dc1f00" : "F2EFF3", "be1b00" : "A6A4AE", "951500" : "818181" }
      "hairColor" : [
        { "f7e7b2" : "FFB0A3", "d9c189" : "FC8469", "a38d59" : "BE424D", "735e3a" : "782027" },
        { "f7e7b2" : "FFEBC2", "d9c189" : "F6B060", "a38d59" : "B37F34", "735e3a" : "6D5013" },
        { "f7e7b2" : "DFCFB3", "d9c189" : "C7AE76", "a38d59" : "94824F", "735e3a" : "5A512B" },
        { "f7e7b2" : "F1EABB", "d9c189" : "D8D077", "a38d59" : "A09E4E", "735e3a" : "5F6229" },
        { "f7e7b2" : "DBF4B8", "d9c189" : "A4D66B", "a38d59" : "6F9E47", "735e3a" : "426D26" },
        { "f7e7b2" : "B3C89E", "d9c189" : "82AB5F", "a38d59" : "547A3C", "735e3a" : "2D4F1D" },
        { "f7e7b2" : "B8F4BB", "d9c189" : "72DD7E", "a38d59" : "4AA559", "735e3a" : "266535" },
        { "f7e7b2" : "B8F4D9", "d9c189" : "72DDB3", "a38d59" : "4AA586", "735e3a" : "266554" },
        { "f7e7b2" : "B1F1FE", "d9c189" : "5DD1EC", "a38d59" : "3491AA", "735e3a" : "196072" },
        { "f7e7b2" : "B5C2FA", "d9c189" : "758BF8", "a38d59" : "4A5BA5", "735e3a" : "272665" },
        { "f7e7b2" : "E2B2FF", "d9c189" : "B374D4", "a38d59" : "7C4992", "735e3a" : "4B2655" },
        { "f7e7b2" : "FDD8F2", "d9c189" : "F1AFDF", "a38d59" : "D67EC1", "735e3a" : "AF579A" },
        { "f7e7b2" : "F9D9DA", "d9c189" : "EAB2B5", "a38d59" : "CC8288", "735e3a" : "A55B61" },
        { "f7e7b2" : "B8B0A8", "d9c189" : "967E6E", "a38d59" : "654D43", "735e3a" : "372720" },
        { "f7e7b2" : "9E9B94", "d9c189" : "767162", "a38d59" : "3F3C2E", "735e3a" : "1E1400" },
        { "f7e7b2" : "FFFFFF", "d9c189" : "D7D5DB", "a38d59" : "8E8E9B", "735e3a" : "6D6D6D" }
    Something to do with

      "headOptionAsFacialhair" : true,
      "altOptionAsUndyColor" : true,
    So try using that in your species file

    Undy colour affect head n arms

    I have a guide should you have further questions
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2019
  3. TheRealRunem

    TheRealRunem Space Spelunker

    Oh yes yes, I'm actually following your guide and we spoke in the comments yesterday, my steam name is S A L T :3
    Thanks for the heads up, I wasn't totally sure what those options did, but I'll give them a try and see how it goes!
  4. DrPvtSkittles

    DrPvtSkittles Master Astronaut

    Ohhh lol

    Well in my guide under 'Dissecting the species file' there is a heading called 'Tricky Stuff', an explanation of the options are listed there.

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