Will it be like: Apex will be taking down a gigantic human-owned ark / sleeper ship as a sign of their independence from their human origins? Or a modded race like Ningen fighting their previous generation of humanity? Or will Hyolytl will have a one on one duel between their living God Emperor in a sword match?
Well me and a friend thought that there could be a end game boss that is based on what race you are like apex can fight the leader of the apex's. So it was just an idea, these boss fights would happen after you have the best armor or their could be a quest line leading up to the boss fight
We Well I dont know who the Hyolytl god is but each race would fight different bosses based on their background
What the hell is up with the Apex suggestion? The Apex are Not from Earth. They've only very recently encountered the Human Species. Have you been watching too much "Planet of the Apes" perhaps?
Why would the Avians fight Kluex? Or why would Kluex fight the Avians for that matter? You probably need to read this: http://playstarbound.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/avianlore_pdf.pdf
I realize you've all only posted example suggestions, but I really feel the need to set your game-lore knowledge right.
Kluex died a long time ago, and was diefied (remade into a god) by his people. The only way the player could "fight" Kluex is by spreading the reality of Kluex and fighting the acolytes who are determined to keep people worshipping a dead birdman as a god.
Or perhaps in some point in the higher tiers of the game, as an Avian, news of Kluex having returned to Avos could be sent to you. And then slowly, as you progress in the tiers, you learn about how this "Kluex" is corrupt and maybe later come across proof that he is a fake created by the Loyalists, thus triggering the last sequence of quests ending in one-on-one combat between you and Kluex. The problem with these racial quests, is that this game is Multiplayer, so there're decisions that need to be made about whether or not you should be able to bring friends, and if that should have an effect on the Combat difficulty.
Faking the second coming of Kluex? Man, oh man, that'd be hilarious. Given that threat level 10 planets will always be hard, and that threat level will vary between planets of the same tier (ex. 10.01 to 10.99), I don't think that difficulty, even with multiple players. I would be more concerned with players being able to manipulate the experience with Dirt, and whether or not enemies can destroy blocks.
For the Apex, if you read the lore, it says your rebellion failed but maybe you could gain followers and finally attack the MiniKnog.
Well this was just an idea but I would like to see it in game because after you defeat the last boss the game kind of gets boring because all you do is just get better armor and when you have the highest the game is over.
Another thing that we thought we could add is you could find the home worlds of the race's. Like you could find earth and avos
Just remember this is still early beta. I am certain there is going to be put more content into the late game. And it will not just be more Bosses like the earlier ones.
I dunno... I would prefer if they stayed as Mentions in the game. I just think that visiting their planets would probably be thoroughly disappointing. Avos is the example here: We're talking about the planet of an Advanced Alien race that is thickly populated and has endless amounts houses and facilities. Not to mention transport-systems. Surely Avians have cars or their racial equivalent, even if they mostly seem like ancient Egyptian worshipers. There's just so much content needed for one planet. It would require the Developers to deeply expand the depth of all the racial cultures. *Edit* The cultures around our world in real life, is not something one man, or a small group of men came up with over a month of work. We're talking about Generations slowly adding up more and more to the Cultural pool.