i want to make it so that when I harvest I also get a plant fibre. Will it work If I change the script like this? [ { "op": "add", "path": "/reedsharvest", "value": [ [ 0, { "pool": [ { "weight": always appears, "item": "plantfibre" } { "weight": 0.9, "item": "reed" },{ "weight": 0.1, "item": "reedsgrowable" } ], "poolRounds": [ [0.3, 2], [0.7, 3], [0.1, 4] ] } ] ] } ]
I created a customized version of your mod and published it on steam. I also fixed some bugs, scanning works now. If you feel like it, you can take the changes in your mod with. You can also download the mod without steam, you can do that through this page. https://steamworkshopdownloader.io/ MOD Link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2726490081