Modding Discussion {RELEASE] Jinx's Minigun from League of legends

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by wingedkeyboard, Dec 14, 2013.

  1. wingedkeyboard

    wingedkeyboard Space Spelunker

    Hi there this is my first mod and if anyone wants to join me they can i need a sprite artist :D im not the best.
    any who here is the mod

      "assetSources" : [
      "storageDirectory" : ".."
    please go to bootstrap.config and enter this code Steam\Steamapps\common\starbound\win32\bootstrap.config (file location)

    see why I need sprite help?
  2. Aurorialis

    Aurorialis Pangalactic Porcupine

    You shouldn't need to worry about the bootstrap.config anymore. Anyways, mind putting the file up? :)
  3. That gun looks like a Pig...
    Also try putting the thread in the right section next time... ;)
    Karull likes this.
  4. intervencion

    intervencion Existential Complex

    What? ._.
  5. He tagged this as a release. It should be in the "Release/WIP" sub-forum.
    I just noticed he may have forgotten to upload the mod to his post :rofl:
  6. intervencion

    intervencion Existential Complex

    Yes yes, the what was to the OP. :p
    severedskullz likes this.

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