Modding Discussion Removing non-essential objects from town map?

Discussion in 'Mods' started by MissGhouls, May 10, 2016.

  1. MissGhouls

    MissGhouls Void-Bound Voyager

    I've been playing around with some map files with tIDE, and thought about de-cluttering the town of all the bushes & stumps (as well as fixing the town's paths since they're a little wonky and makes me twitch)

    From what i've edited though, it doesn't seem as though I can remove the bushes, rocks, and stumps in my way (specifically, the skinny bushes & rock near the fountain/playground area).

    I've tried removing them via the "Path" layer, but that doesn't seem to work whatsoever... Is there something else I need to edit to remove them, or can it be done at all? I know some very (VERY) basic coding, so i don't mind delving into the files if needed (I'm just not sure where. the YAML files seem to be linked to the PNG's but I can't tell how they relate to the tbin files yet. )

    Would appreciate any insight <3
      farmvillesux likes this.
    • Androxilogin

      Androxilogin Giant Laser Beams

      I'm having this issue too. Seasonal plants seem to spring up in front of the player while walking over them with no option to change it. I'm guessing they must be hardcoded to the spring_outdoorsTileSheet somehow in my case.
      • MissGhouls

        MissGhouls Void-Bound Voyager

        That's what I thought too, but I wasn't sure, since I seemed to have edited the busstop so that a couple of the rocks (the annoying ones behind the trees!) were gone, but only visually. the actual blockage that keeps you from walking over it, is still there. I'm almost positive it has something to do with the seasons, but i'm not sure...
        • Androxilogin

          Androxilogin Giant Laser Beams

          It didn't work by using the rock graphic on the "Back" layer and deleting the "Building" layer? [EDIT] after seeing the graphic again, I realize this was a dumb question. I know I've cleaned up a few maps and some things still pop up randomly that don't show up in the editor. Good place to get rid of these things, I've stubbed my toe one too many times in this area.
            Last edited: May 11, 2016
          • Entoarox

            Entoarox Oxygen Tank

            Those "random" things are forageables, stardew needs to dynamically change them each season depending on if it is forageable that season or not, messing with those would remove a lot of the forage from the game.
            • Androxilogin

              Androxilogin Giant Laser Beams

              Grass layers and stumps count as forage?
              • MissGhouls

                MissGhouls Void-Bound Voyager

                No no, not the foraging spots. I've left those alone, and they don't cause issue. I'm talking about the rocks and stumps on the map like this:
                The ones in the red circles are what i'm talking about. In the "path" file in tIDE, they show up as special red squares, but even when removed from the tbin, repacked, and replaced, it still won't let me walk through the spot where they were -- it acts like they're still there. I've even checked to see if maybe they had a special asset/command attached to them, but there's nothing :T

                I started editing the map in spring, and it's now summer in my game, and these bushes haven't seemed to change, so i'm beginning to wonder if it has any correlation with the season's files. (Some outside of the town map have changed to more fern-y looking tropical bushes, but i believe those are the same bushes as the berry-producing bushes in spring/fall).

                'tis very puzzling >:T lol
                  Androxilogin likes this.
                • Androxilogin

                  Androxilogin Giant Laser Beams

                  This worries me, I just redid my town map and don't think I actually stumbled upon the areas I've removed those troublesome rocks. I'd better retrace my steps.
                  • Entoarox

                    Entoarox Oxygen Tank

                    Have you checked to make sure that the tile they occupied does not have its back layer marked as impassable?

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