Removing placed objects and more

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Juicette, Aug 20, 2019.

  1. Juicette

    Juicette Intergalactic Tourist

    I've noticed a few inconsistencies in what objects can and can't be removed without a tool hit. Example, the chest can be removed by repeated clicks, but the bee house can't. I've known people to get stuck inside a building when putting down an object, like a fence post, and forgetting their axe outside. This leaves them with the option of resetting the day or waiting until their farmer passes out.

    So, it would be nice if all placeable objects could be removed without a tool.

    I would also like to be able to remove the big stumps/logs/rocks with explosives. Normally these require an upgraded axe or pickaxe* to remove. *(Inside the mines the large rocks don't require an upgraded pickaxe) I think it would be neat if sufficient blast(s) could destroy them, the same as normal trees/stumps. Though for the largest pieces of hardwood this should take quite a few explosives. When it comes to removing the log blocking the way into the Secret Woods this would maintain balance, as the work required to get enough bombs would likely not be more than getting a steel axe, just different.
    • Kurachi84

      Kurachi84 Cosmic Narwhal

      bee house cannot be taken without tool? people got stuck cuz of no axe? :O
      only for that i already agree with the idea to be able to take them off the ground without tools

      the rest i see as progress stuff, as you wanna use your whole farm, so need to upgrade your tools, which is always better than keeping the old ones, as you require less his on trees etc. with axe, and all stones/rocks in the mines

      the last idea may be better as mod, if you play the PC version of SDV.... but can also spawn the iridium tools with the item spawn mod
      i doubt it'll ever change, as it's another reason to upgrade your tools

      when i go into the first 30 levels of the mines with a burglar ring where there's sand, i get a lot of cherry bombs from the digletts- i mean duggies and crabs
      with the galaxy sword, you kill them even easier, and even with the lava katana it's still fast enough

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