Would like if someone could help me with this... just started messing with .lua stuffs not long ago crashed almost when object is placed. what I was I trying: creating something that when placed, disapears in 5 seconds or on interaction (object.smash?) what is happening: crashes when I put that object down Could someone help me with that? Errorlog: Code: [Error] WorldServerThread exception caught handling incoming packets for client 1: (JsonException) Json not an array of size 2 in jsonToVec2F [0] 7ff6d9137153 Star::captureStack [1] 7ff6d9135ede Star::StarException::StarException [2] 7ff6d90e6be2 Star::jsonToVec2F [3] 7ff6d93d6bd7 Star::Object::init [4] 7ff6d96e22fe Star::WorldServer::addEntity [5] 7ff6d96efd14 Star::WorldServer::handleIncomingPackets [6] 7ff6d9704a3b Star::WorldServerThread::update [7] 7ff6d9704558 Star::WorldServerThread::run [8] 7ff6d9133c5e Star::ThreadImpl::runThread [9] 7fffccde1fe4 BaseThreadInitThunk [10] 7fffcd60efb1 RtlUserThreadStart [22:04:02.977] (*This is only partial of the log) These are the codes in .lua file: Code: function init() object.setInteractive(true) animator.setAnimationState("switchState","off") self.triggerTimer = 0 end function onInteraction() animator.setAnimationState("switchState","on") animator.playSound("on") object.smash() end function update(dt) if self.triggerTimer >= 5 then animator.setAnimationState("switchState","on") animator.playSound("on") object.smash() else self.triggerTimer = self.triggerTimer + 1 end end Thank you in advance if you can help me out. p/s: by the way anyway to change to topic thingy to modding help? I chose the wrong one by accident... p/s: I found the topic thingy, never mind about the p/s above...
I think there might be small issues with your code there - only guessing at your intent - but nothing that should trigger that error. Vect2F stands for a 2 vector array using float numbers(rather than integers). I think the issue is actually data in your object. Typically this is for [x. y] coordinates, offsets, etc. The rest of the log(also use code insert) might shed some light. Your object and animation file also might.
Thanks mate... I just found out I made a small mistake there... works now... problem at the animationPosition I only have 1 value instead of to as to x and y, much appreciation =D